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flex 3000 no power output

Tommy Shepherd
edited September 2019 in SmartSDR for Windows
I bought my flex from an individual. it worked great for about 2 months then my power output started going down. Now it work it puts out about 50watts for alittle while and then goes to 0 watts. where can I see about getting it fixed? thanks w4tds


  • K2CM
    K2CM Member ✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Enter a Helpdesk ticket on flexradio.com. Flex will contact you.
  • Tim - W4TME
    Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited March 2017
    I have converted this topic to a HelpDesk ticket (http://helpdesk.flexradio.com). If you are experiencing an issue similar to this one, please submit a HelpDesk support ticket for issue resolution.

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