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ADP hardware

Member ✭✭

Will there be a limit on the length of the cable from the amplifier sample port to the radio?

Amp in garage and radio about 35ft away in shack.



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  • Member ✭✭


    Since that sample from the PGXL is so attenuated I would be concerned as well , however, I too do not have an answer. You could simply remote the rig as well and run two cat 6 cables back into the shack to plug into your switch in the shack. Just plug your PC into that same switch and SSDR will control both the rig and the PGXL . You may ask ok what about cw and SSB and AFSK rtty (or digital modes). For cw I use a WinKey usb connected to the pc via usb of course and you would have to run a control line from the back of the wkusb to the cw input at the back of the rig. SSB I use a headset plugged into the PC and audio would go to the rig via the cat6 cable and same for afsk rtty or digital modes. If you were hoping to use a studio mic into the bal input then perhaps a variable mic preamp in the shack with possibly a fixed mic preamp in the garage as well, however I get the feeling that voodoo audio is not a priority for you.

    Best of all worlds would be that a 35ft feedback run from the amp to the rig is a non issue. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than me on this will chime in.

    Finally you need to join in on the Thurs night NCCC NS cw sprints 1930 local to 2000 local around .040 ie 21.040 for the first five to ten mins then 14.040 then 7.040 etc. The group is very friendly and is always looking for new blood to join the scrum. https://ncccsprint.com/rules.html


    mike km9r

  • Community Manager admin

    You wouldn't need two ethernet cables — just put an ethernet switch at the radio and amplifier site. Then run a single ethernet cable from the radio site to your shack. Better yet: Use a fiber optic cable to the shack.

  • Member ✭✭

    Thanks Mike and Ken.

    My planned setup once the 8600 arrives….is the amp, tuner and switch in the garage plugged into an unmanaged switch. That switch will connect to my 16 port netgear switch (unmanaged also) in my shack where the radio and 3-4 other devices would be connected, including a Maestro C.

    If I left the radio with the amp/tuner in the garage and used the winkey in the maestro, or a separate winkey with a long keying cable (already in place) to the radio, and mic audio from PC or Maestro, how much latency is likely? I'm not a CW speed demon but during contests and can do up to about 32-34 wpm. I guess digital modes should not be an issue.

    Keeping the rig in the garage would solve running another coax line from the shack.

    Also I have a concern about temperatures. I live in SW Idaho…temperate desert climate. CAN get to 110F in summer and zero F in winters. Probably hotter in the garage. I thing the extremes for the amp are 4-F and 104-F. I will probably have to get a couple laptop fans to put under the radio and amp and maybe a heatlamp for the winter.



    I'll see about the Sprints. :)

  • Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    I have my 8600, PG XL, TG XL, AG, mini PC, WMR RigRunner 4005i, DLI Web Switch Pro, and LP700 meter all in a server cabinet in my garage. There is a managed 16 port Ethernet switch with a single Ethernet cable back to my router. The Shack Master power supply and LP700 both have USB cables to the mini PC. I use a program called Virtually Here to extend the USB connections over the network to my shack.

    Another 16 port managed Ethernet switch on my desk in the shack for the PC, Maestro C, MAC Mini, Raspberry Pi running Node Red, and a DMR hotspot. Ethernet cable from that to router. Rest of house has two mesh nodes with 8 port Ethernet switches on each. Anything capable of Ethernet is run on Ethernet, including TVs and satellite TV boxes.

    I run a Heil PR-40 into the W2IHY boxes then into the Maestro. I am building a Morconi today for PTT input when running PC audio. Just waiting for the Ethernet kit for the Teensy to be delivered :-)

    73 Dave wo2x


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