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Ten meter repeater question.

Hello we have a new ten meter (FM) repeater in our area. (No PL Tone) it receives on 29.670 MHZ and transmits minus 100 KHZ at 29.5700 MHZ. How do I et this up on the PC for smart SDR ? And how is this down with the Maestro too.
Thank you.
Best Answer
That's close but James states that the RX freq is Plus
So like this perhaps?
This should work…
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So I need to set up slice A to listen on 29.670 MHZ and use Slice B to transmit on 29.570 MHZ ?
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Negative. You said the repeater TX frequency is 29.57. Isn't that correct?
So Set SLice A to that frequency so you can hear the output of the repeater.
Configure the Offset as 0.1 MHz and Plus.
Now when you transmit you will be transmitting on 29.67
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The repeater listens on 29.6700 and transmits on 29.5700 it is the N5SIM repeater here in Central TX.
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Yes, I understand
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OK this works fine with the PC with smart SDR version 3.8.23 how does this work with the Maestro ?
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Sorry, I've never tried it. I'm sure it is similar.
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You should not need two receive slices as long as the TX frequency is in that same band as the RX... Just a RX slice and the TX will be offset from that.
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If the repeater LISTENS on 29.670 and TRANSMITS on 29.570, this is "upside down" from most 10 meter repeater pairs.
In this case, the repeater offset would need to be + 0.100 MHz, rather than - 0.100 MHz.
Be sure you have also set the CTCSS Tone frequency needed to access the repeater.
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Ken…I believe that's what I showed in the screen shot I posted.
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This repeater has NO PL Tone and yes it transmits MINUS 100 KHZ it Receives on 29.670 and Transmits on 29.570 MHZ, Don't ask me why it set up this way.
Thank you.
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Caution to the repeater owners:
An upside down repeater that is not using CTCSS is at risk of having a lock-up with another repeater that is using the correct right-side-up configuration - causing great feedback and time-outs as they key each other up and time each other out, then the cycle repeats when the time-out expires.In addition, it's repeater output will attempt to key up every other repeater that is able to hear it's signal. Or if they have CTCSS, will block other signals trying to access them by having a strong non-CTCSS signal on their repeater input.
Just a though for the repeater trustees……1 -
I tend to agree Ken.
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