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6000 Series Radios for Sale

I have two 6000 series radios for sale.

First is a 6600 with GPSDO and standard ATU factory installed.
The serial number is 4822-1104-6600-0293
Included is the GPS antenna, hand mic and I'll throw in a Flex Control.
I'm asking $2850.

Second is a 6400 with factory installed ATU.
The serial number is 1518-6579-6400-2195.
The hand mic is included and I'll throw in a Flex Control.
The PA board was replaced earlier this year, non-warranty; a capacitor failed (shorted) and damaged the original board. A new fan and uSD card were installed as well as some updated components per an ECO. I can provide details.
I'm asking $1650.

Both are in excellent condition and I have the original shipping boxes.

Please contact me via email if you are interested. My address is good in my Flex profile and at QRZ.com.