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API command to create new pan adapter

I have a Node-RED flow where I create a pan adapter that is bound to a new client.
As you can see clientPrograms[0] and clientHandles[0] are the Node-RED pan adapter. This works but uses a multiFLEX instance.
I can create a new pan adapter from SmartSDR that does not use a multiFLEX instance. I would like to be able to create the new Node-RED pan adapter that does not need multiFLEX. Is this possible?
Node-RED pan adapter
SmartSDR pan adapters
Best Answers
A few comments: There are limits to the number of panadapters that can be created. Also, the idea of multiFLEX is that clients are largely independent — each appears to have their own radio. This allows two operators to run the radio in a fashion that feels familiar and them not get in each other's way. multiFLEX is the methodology for this. The other alternatives we considered were 1) mirroring where every client connected to the radio sees the same thing and controls the same assets (there was really only one use case for this we thought of: elmering where two folks could look at the same screen when they were in different locations), and 2) independent but visible: each client gets new resources but they look dependent. For example, op one might get slice A and op two might get slice B. This would create a lot of confusion if you were trying to use digital modes and you didn't have a slice A, etc.
TLDR: this is not a bug, it's by design.0 -
Thanks for the reply. I appreciate you taking time out to address the question. Please note the 'bug' comment are not my words but the words of whomever updated the wiki.
Q- I would like to be able to create the new Node-RED pan adapter that does not need multiFLEX. Is this possible?
A- No. Binding to a panadapter client is a GUI client, same as the first or second bound MultiFlex client.
This is why I did not purse using Node Red for a GUI client, always for a Non-GUI client, that does no use up a MultiFlex instance.
For more guidance, take a look at the, "SmartSDR v3.x API Migration Guide" WA9WUD
0 -
Thanks Alan,
I think you are correct. Looking at the api regarding pan create display. It states that …
Only the GUI client may create a Panadapter successfully today. Issue #2323 has been added to address this bug.
It would be nice to know if once this is addressed it will fix the issue.
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