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SmartSDR for Mac not presenting list of radios to connect to

I only access my Flex via Smartlink as it is remote from me. When I start SmartSDR for Mac, it tries to connect to a radio, but it fails. I assume this is because it is searching for a local radio.

If I tap on Connect, it doesn’t come up with a list of available SmartLink radios but says it failed. To actually see radios I need to go into Settings and click Available Radios.

Is this the default behaviour of SmartLink for Mac, or have I missed a setting somewhere?

For reference, when I try the same on SmartSDR for iOS, clicking connect brings up a list of radios.

Best Answer

  • m5kvk
    m5kvk Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    For future reference, if anybody else needs to reset SmartSDR for Mac back to some of it's defaults, the preferences file is: ~/Library/Containers/de.roskosch.MacRadioApp/Data/Library/Preferences/de.roskosch.MacRadioApp.plist`

    As stored, the plist file is binary, so it will need to be converted to xml first. The following command will do this:

    plutil -convert xml1 de.roskosch.MacRadioApp.plist

    I found it easier to just delete it: it was re-created when SmartSDR was launched and most of my settings were retained, so they must be stored elsewhere. However, it did clear the problem I was experiencing.


  • m5kvk
    m5kvk Member ✭✭

    As there's been no response to this message, neither has there been a reply to an email to the author, let me ask another.

    Does anybody know where SmartSDR for Mac stores all its settings? I thought I'd vape the settings and start again.