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Wavelog – A Game-Changing Modern Log Program for Amateur Radio

Hello everyone!

Over the years, I’ve used a wide variety of logging programs, and I truly believe a good logbook is one of the most important tools in our hobby. It needs to be fast, intuitive, and make logging QSOs as easy as possible. Moreover, it should assist in finding accurate information so that everything is logged correctly. Accessibility of data, right when and where it's needed, is also critical, and it's a major bonus when the software is actively developed. Sadly, many logging programs for amateur radio seem like relics from 1995, which isn't exactly ideal.

Recently, however, I came across a hyper-modern logging program that has completely impressed me: Wavelog. This program runs in a standard web browser, offloading heavy database work to a server. That server can either be your own or rented as a service, offering tremendous flexibility.

Wavelog was launched in late 2023 as a spin-off of the well-known Cloudlog software. The project is led by four core developers – DF2ET, DJ7NT, HB9HIL, and LA8AJA – who have driven Cloudlog forward for years. They decided to take their work in a new direction, resulting in the birth of Wavelog.

If you're curious, there's a demo server where you can try Wavelog for yourself.

Seamless Integration and SmartSDR Compatibility

For me, a logging program's integration with other tools and software, especially SmartSDR, is essential. Wavelog doesn’t disappoint. There's a small helper program called WLGate (available for Windows, Mac, and Linux) that handles CAT communication via the flrig software. It works very well, but I’ve noticed a few minor issues, which I’ll outline below.

I use Slice Master to populate my SmartSDR panadapter with DX spots (and local ones as well). Clicking on these spots automatically tunes my radio to the correct frequency and updates the logging window in the web browser via CAT communication.

However, one thing that isn’t quite working is automatic call sign lookup in Wavelog when I click on a spot in the SmartSDR panadapter. Ideally, I want my logbook to initiate logging and fetch the relevant information from QRZ.COM (including any available picture) without me having to manually enter the call sign into the log program. While this is a relatively minor inconvenience, it’s a feature I’d love to see.

Future Wishlist

Another feature on my wishlist is for WLGate to have native support for direct SmartSDR integration, removing the need for flrig altogether.

And while we’re talking about dream features… it would be fantastic if WLGate could also handle forwarding spots from Wavelog (which is connected to a DX cluster server) directly to SmartSDR, displaying them on the panadapter. That would be a game-changer and eliminate the need to use Slice Master for that.

Of course, I understand WLGate isn’t focused exclusively on Flexradio, so these are just ideas. Maybe the ultimate solution would be to develop a new program – something along the lines of “WLFlexGate” – dedicated to Flexradio integration. I’d be more than happy to support the crowdfunding for such a project!

Final Thoughts

All in all, Wavelog works very well, and the minor issues I’ve mentioned are just that – small. I highly recommend giving it a try. I can’t see myself going back to my old logging programs, as Wavelog continues to surprise me with its modern, user-friendly features. Every day it brings new positive experiences.

73 de SA6TUT / SE6S and happy logging!

https://www.wavelog.org/ https://demo.wavelog.org/

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