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Please add pop outs to Global profiles

Rich McCabe
Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭

I contest a fair amount using different windows layouts and Software Defined Connector (SDC). I commonly move the side panel to a second monitor and pop out 2 panadapters to run SO2R. Its a hassle to do this manually and then Flex has some quirks about getting them back in and saving. Normally have to restart the program as I go to open a profile after that and it executes the profile and pops out on of the windows even if it shouldn't.

While you you are at it, please make it so you can pop out two panadapters leaving none in the window. Currently I have to create a 3rd unneeded profile and pop the first two out and delete the 3rd as a work around.

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  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Rich, I have all of my profiles set with the control panel popped out so that no matter which one I pick, the controls stay put. I'm not sure if that helps with what you are doing. I only pop out the panadapters once in a while, so I am probably no help there.

  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭

    I normally run everything popped "in" except for contesting but like the extra space available when running the panadapters popped out. So would just be nice to have them saved with a global.

    Thanks Len, appreciate the response which was timely as I was just getting ready to message you :)

    Is FlexRepeaterSpots-main.zip supposed to have the executable in it? Because all I can find its the manual and readme.


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Rich. you will find the executable and a sampe Config.ini in the releases section (link below).


    You don't need to download the source unless you want to see how it works (or to make modifications). I do recommend starting with the sample Config.ini. It is easier to mod it than to start a new one from scratch.

  • Rich McCabe
    Rich McCabe Member ✭✭✭

    Thank you. I dont know why I always struggle so much with Github but I always have.

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    I do too. I do not find it to be intuitive, and all the tutorials are around a set of complex procedures for allowing bunches of programmers in at the same time. I eventually stumbled across the Releases thingy. :- )

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