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Double Column Radio Panel

WX4W Member ✭✭
I use widescreen monitors and like to have some applications e.g. N1MM windows, etc.) organized below the SSDR Panadapter Main Window. This results in a wide but short Main Panadapter window. When configured this way, the radio panel can only show 3 or maybe 4 of the 5 current selections i.e. TX,P/CW, etc.

Since we see there are analog meters coming in SSDR this is going to get even more crowded. Is there a way, and if not could this be a development request, to allow a double wide radio panel within the main windows such that all of these functions can be displayed simultaneously?

Curtis / WX4W
2 votes

Already Offered · Last Updated


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Curtis, one thing that you can do is undock the control panel. Then it can occupy the full height of the monitor (or even be on a different monitor).

  • WX4W
    WX4W Member ✭✭

    Good idea Ken, Thanks!

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