SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
SmartSDR v2.12.1 and the SmartSDR v2.12.1 Release Notes
Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
Tuner Genius XL Utility v1.2.11 and the Tuner Genius XL Release Notes v1.2.11
Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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OK Flex boys, what is the new radio?
Cmon, you know you want to tell us!!!
I predict all will be known this coming Friday.
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Maybe even Thursday ?
Annual FlexRadio banquet at Dayton Hamvention
May 16th & 17th
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the two competing rumors are:
Replacement for 6700
Competition for IC 9700
well I ll have to visit the Flex areaPeter
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Actually, there are a TON of competing rumors ! There are two or three threads on this forum and another on the Flex forum FULL of them ! Should be interesting…
Russ KR6W
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Flex has deleted the 6400M and 6600M from its website. I think it will offer replacements.
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I still see both of them listed under "Products"
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Yes, it appears that is the only place they are listed—with no estimated delivery date.
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Verrrry interesting…
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All four models have been listed that way since at least last week. Also, as noted here in AA1SS's "Flex 8000" thread last week, some kind of add popped up on or before May 2nd on eHam specifically identifying a "Flex 8000" product or product line and was quickly pulled down. SO …
It might not be crazy to hope that Flex is about to release its next generation HF product line which would be welcome indeed. I sure hope they didn't waste any design effort on UHF or SHF since there are already plenty of options in that space. Hopefully they totally nailed HF instead.
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After reviewing the new PDF on Maestro C, I noticed that the wording is similar to the advertisement; it is the new Maestro C.
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If you look closely at the Flex web site, at things like the accessories, you'll see this:
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Peter, I have looked all over the Flex Radio website and find nothing associated with a Flex 8400. How about posting a link to the page you found this on?
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It's inadvertently buried on the various accessory pages like this one:
There's no other info that I could find except that. Yet 😁
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Well, I'll be! I looked at that page earlier and completely missed that. Getting old ain't easy!
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Ok, so how is THAT there and this isn't about a new LINE of HF radios ? It seems reasonable that an 8400 would be the next gen version of the 6400 ? Since only that one's listed here, I wonder if they're starting with that and will add an 8600 and 8700 (or 8800) as they go along ? Of course, since this being here has to be a mistake in the first place that may be reading too much into it. I would have guessed they'd start with the next gen 6700 if anything ?
Russ KR6W
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Peter, you should download the latest Flexlib api source code. There are several new things I don't recall seeing before. Of course, I have not been doing much in the way of programming in quite a while. When a new version of SmartSDR is issued, I try to keep my test application updated so it will continue to function. ( more or less) I don't download and compile the different dll source files like I used to do. I found it easier to copy the necessary dll's from the SmartSDR install folder and paste them in to my project folder. Then, I just relink the new dll's to my project.
Occasionally, I download the source code files in case some function I have been using stops working. That way I can redo my code to get it working again. ( hopefully!)
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Thanks, James! I've been "out of the loop" in terms of FlexLib programming for quite a while. I hope to get back to it when I get some time. But in the meantime, I've been using my Maestro exclusively (and really enjoying it).
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Or Possibly it could be a rebuild / update of the 6700 which is the ONLY radio that has been stopped in production in the 6000 line that is still on the Sales page so maybe a 6700B.
Not sure why they would replace a 6400 that is still in production and they have already said the 6400M and 6600M would have the new M version front panels being released shortly and back in production which haven't been available for a while using the same front panel hardware as the Maestro C.
or MAYBE it's SmartSDR version 4 that we can ALL have a new radio for the price of $200.00
We can all speculate and dream with ALL that CASH burning a whole in our socks.
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Yeah, I guess we'll know in a couple of days but it is fun to speculate. I agree it seems the most reasonable radio to update is the 6700 if they only update one at this point. Whatever else they've done, I hope they've future proofed the HECK out of it (lots of performance margin all around to grow into, etc).
Russ KR6W
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Other than a few "pre-loved " radios, there isn't any new radios listed on the Flex Radio website. The 6000 series radios were first introduced at Vasillia in 2013. Shipping of actual product, if I remember correctly, was a little over a year later. So, they are at least 10 years old. ( the design) That's a pretty long life for any series of radios to be around. Especially with the uncertainty of component supply availability. I received my 6600M in February 2018. That's over six years ago. I actually purchased it in May of 2017 shortly after the 6400/M and 6600/M were introduced at Dayton. I imagine Flex Radio is introducing a new line of radios based on newer technology now available to them. They may appear to be the same design on the outside. But, inside will have much better FPGA's and ADC's. And possibly better on-board processors to take some of the load off the FPGA. Hopefully, something other than an SD card for on-board storage as well. I may be entirely off base,but, to me, it seems the most logical course of action for Flex Radio instead of trying to continue to source obsolete or hard to find, components.
Either way, I am looking forward to seeing what develops by Friday!
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So, they are at least 10 years old. ( the design) That's a pretty long life for any series of radios to be around
I was thinking, this, exactly… as I ordered my new 6400 a month ago 😉
But, you know, there ARE other radios of the same vintage that are still being made and sold, and are really "about as good as you can get" — Consider, if you will, the Icom ID-5100 (VHF/UHF D-Star). Also "ancient" in modern electronics years, but a great piece of gear.
I am looking forward to seeing what develops by Friday
This, absolutely.
You've got to figure that the Flex team has been working on gear for the government for a while, and therefore must have a bunch of updated engineering in the pipeline that can be used in the ham world. Those older parts that are used to build 6400s and 6600s have got to be getting mighty expensive.
Ah, fun to speculate. I don't do so well just "waiting" :-)
(HEY! I bet that's MY Previously Loved Flex-6400M that's for sale on the FlexRadio site!)
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Apples to oranges Pete! The 5100a ( I have one that I love) isn't an SDR radio. To me, SDR radios will have a shorter lifespan ( component availability wise,not durability) than analog devices. Manufacturers are continuously producing newer,faster and smaller processors and FPGA's. And dropping support ( and supply) for older designs. Kenwood even experienced this with the 990. And stopped production until they could find replacement components that were no longer available to them. Now, it's back in production. ( but, still in limited supply)
Smaller Manufacturers of Amateur radio equipment have the same problem. Apache labs has a continuing problem sourcing components and can barely deliver only a portion of what they try to sell. ( one reason I would not buy new from them) Fortunately, Flex Radio is most likely to be in a better position than Apache Labs. And Flex Radio has a better reputation.
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I think the FLEX6700 was announced a year or 2 earlier at Dayton then 2013 when I pre-ordered mine, My serial number is week 22 of 2013 which is the middle of May and I know I had to wait over 18 months for mine, and came with version 1.1.2 of SmartSDR if I remember right.
MANY Revisions ago and still going STRONG.
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Jump on Flex Radio's Facebook page. The big reveal is underway! 8400/M and 8600/M.
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I see the back of the 8400 shows a balanced input, but I don't see anything in the specs. It looks to be 1/4 input and I assume mono??? I hope it shows in the final version. I have my order in.
Oh, I see it's plugged off in a video for the 8400. Flex just put the wrong picture on the 8400 page.
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The Balance Jack is on the 5000, 6500, 6600, 6700 and I hope the 8600 so it will fit my station if/when I upgrade my station and I won't have to rewire all the MIC Hardware.
This jack consist of a 1/4" TRS jack that is Tip = MIC +, Ring = MIC —, Sleave = Shield / Ground, and is for a Balanced Microphone.
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Where is predistortion connector?
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I ordered my 6400 on the 20/03/24 from FlexRadio, received it on the 17/04/24, then informed on the 17/05/24 there's a 8400 due out later this year. I'm most upset about this, I believe FlexRadio should have at least informed me about the new proposed models when I put the order in and given me the choice of either continuing with the order or waiting, I have written to Flex expressing my disappointment but still waiting for a reply.
Ian G8RVZ0
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