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PTT CAT control using USB Arduino Nano Every

Mick  W8BE
Mick W8BE Member ✭✭

I had developed a CAT control interface utilizing a USB Arduino Nano Every and I had issues with stability. Last week I operated in the VA QSO party and used the PTT SmartCAT interface with my foot switch. It is a Linemaster industrial foot switch and the bounce effect when using the switch was very noticeable. This got me thinking about my CAT control interface. I went back and used Wireshark to examine my FlexControl. I noticed the commands were sent very quickly to the radio. I had the Arduino Nano Every set to 9600 baud. I decided to change the baud and after experimenting I was able to get the device to act in a stable manor. I have updated the repository. I find using the CAT control is very quiet and so far I have had no stability issues Here is the link to the repository.



  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Very cool Mick. One trick that I use is to attach an interrupt to the input pin. In the ISR, I immediately disable that interrupt, service the interrupt, and set a timer (20 ms or whatever I need to get past the bouncing). When the timer expires, I enable the interrupt again. This makes sure that I get the earliest possible "make" contact and that additional bounces don't chatter relays and that kind of thing.

    For this scheme, I usually attach the interrupt using CHANGE so that I can use the same technique on the break. I often wind up with a different break timeout than make timeout. It mostly depends on the switch and how fast I want to be able to cycle it. PTT will usually have longer time constants than a dot paddle, for example.

  • Mick  W8BE
    Mick W8BE Member ✭✭

    Thanks Len,

    I am including a bounce function from the libraries. I currently have the bounce timer set to 200ms.


  • Mick  W8BE
    Mick W8BE Member ✭✭

    Here are a couple pics.

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Very clean installation!

  • Mick  W8BE
    Mick W8BE Member ✭✭


    Can you share your ISR code. It may very well be worth switch too.


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Mick, The full source for my TeensyMaestro is out on GitHub. With everything going on, it will be a challenge to filter out what you need.

    Here is a real quick sample:

      Sample Interrupt-driven input
      Len Koppl, KDØRC 
      Teensy 4.1(with built - in Ethernet)
    // Includes
    // Constants
    const byte BUTTON_PIN = 0;
    const int DEBOUNCE = 20;  // debounce time in ms
    // Global Variables
    IntervalTimer debounceTimer;
    void setup()
      attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON_PIN), buttonISR, FALLING);
    void loop()
      // looping code here
    // Subroutines
    // Interrupt Service Routines
    void buttonISR()
      detachInterrupt(BUTTON_PIN);  // stop button interrupt to prevent multiple hits (bounce)
      // quick stuff here like setting a variable.  Do not do massive processing in the interrupt service routine.
      debounceTimer.begin(debounceISR, DEBOUNCE);
    void debounceISR()
      attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(BUTTON_PIN), buttonISR, FALLING); // allow button pushes again after debounce period

    Hopefully, this helps.

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Well, I'm an idiot... That sample code is for a Teensy 4.1, not a Nano Every. If I get a chance, I will see if there is a timer library for the Nano Every. If not, then it might not be worth the effort to do what I am suggesting.

  • Mick  W8BE
    Mick W8BE Member ✭✭

    Thanks...no rush

  • Mick  W8BE
    Mick W8BE Member ✭✭
    edited July 2024

    Update: I have been using my Arduino Nano Every PTT foot switch since March and I am pleased to say it has worked every time I plugged in the usb port and turned the radio on. I have had no issues with rfi and I find the cat command makes no noise compared to the mechanical ptt using a db9 rs232 connector.

  • Mick  W8BE
    Mick W8BE Member ✭✭

    I have updated the repository for the USB PTT using the Arduino Nano Every to send CAT PTT commands. It is simple to set up and implement.


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