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SSDR Lost PGXL reading

Sergey KN7K
Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭
edited January 22 in Power Genius XL Amplifier

This bug going form one version to another. Now back on version 3.6.8

Yes, I did cold restart after 3.6.8 upgrade.

Sergey, KN7K


  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Reboot the PG XL after upgrading radio.

    Don’t forget release notes for radio upgrade. Remove DC power for 30 seconds after upgrade.

    Reboot PG XL by going into configuration utility and click Save. Amp will reboot.

    Dave wo2x

  • Bill NE1B
    Bill NE1B Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks Dave, that fixed mine too!


    Bill, NE1B

  • Mike-VA3MW
    Mike-VA3MW Administrator, FlexRadio Employee, Community Manager, Super Elmer, Moderator admin

    Since moving to 3.6.8, I have not seen his problem show up again.

  • Sergey KN7K
    Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭

    I did it initially Dave, reading was fine.

    Yesterday, when I turn everything ON ( 6600, TGXL,PGXL, AG and PC) reading was out.

    I saved again PGXL configuration today, reading is back now. I will report if it still intermittent.

    Sergey, KN7K

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    I would make sure you have latest PG XL firmware.

    73 Dave wo2x

  • Sergey KN7K
    Sergey KN7K Member ✭✭✭

    It still intermittent, today turned on everything and again there is no reading in SSDR. All my SW us current.

    Please help to request Bug report. Alternatively I can open a support ticket.



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