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how to save frstack cwx memories
I saved created memories for FRStack CWX. Now I want to change one. I type over the memory but the next time I move the mouse anywhere in FRStack the old value returns into the CWX memory I just changed.
Fred, K0FG
I can't duplicate what you are describing mine doesn't revert back after I modify it but what happens if you make the change in smartsdr CWX. Frstack CWX is the same thing that is in smartsdr CWX setup, they duplicate each other when you create a preset. I have had to restart frstack because it hangs up and looses radio connection, not very often but it has happened to me.
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I seldom use ssdr as I have the M model. But I started ssdr and opened cwx and it has the correct verbiage in F2. Then I opened frstack and it had the correct verbiage in F2. Then I recalled a global profile from within frstack and F2 reverted to the old verbiage.
Where are the cwx memories stored? And when are they loaded? Does frstack load the cwx memories from ssdr? Are cwx memories linked to global profiles so you could have a different set of cwx memories for different bands? When I make changes to ssdr cwx do I need to save them somehow?
In ssdr cwx I added a new msg (F6) but it does not show up in frstack cwx. Finally it did show up after I closed and restarted frstack. But F2 still has the old verbiage in it, even tho I changed it, and it shows the new verbiage in ssdr.
In ssdr I changed cwx F2 to have the correct verbiage and saved one of the global profiles while that cwx window was displayed. Then I closed the cwx window, not ssdr but just the cwx window, and then I opened the cwx window and it had the wrong verbiage in it. Recalled the global profile that I just saved and the F2 verbiage was the old, incorrect verbiage.
From the radio face I changed the delay and it immediately updated the delay displayed in frstack cwx delay. But the delay displayed in ssdr cwx (400) is not the same as on the radio face or in frstack cwx (300).
With all these new questions you may be sorry to tried to help me. But I appreciate the help.
Fred, K0FG
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Fred, I don't mind helping, I am a friend of Seans and I am also on the FBI Slack and you welcome to ask me questions on that also. I appreciate what you do for the ham community.
In the smartsdr manual it states that CWX Macros (what you are calling memories) 1 - 12 are stored in the Global Profiles. One thing you might want to look at and maybe even print out is what is in the lists of whats stored in persistence, global profiles, transmit profiles and mic profiles. It can be confusing at first but once understood profiles are very convenient and powerful. That being said the CWX macros you create and save in a global profile should be stored the next time you load that global profile. Experiment with the profiles, can't hurt anything.
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By the way when I have smartsdr and frstack running with the CWX windows opened up on both, as I type a message in a F key entry on either smartsdr or frstack the other one immediatly populates with what i am typing.
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Opened ssdr/cwx and frstack/cwx. Typed into F8 on frstack/cwx and it did not appear on ssdr/cwx. Then I typed into ssdr/cwx f9 and it has not appeared in frstack. It's been maybe 5 minutes.
I use lots of global profiles. But since I seldom use ssdr, and I'm just now learning to use frstack, great tool, then I have seldom used cwx on either.
So I guess that means each global profile will have it's own cwx macros. That makes sense. So then I must go into ssdr and store cwx macros for each cw global profile. Then when I start frstack and load a global profile I will have the correct macros for that global profile. Makes sense. I will give that a try. Thanks
Fred, K0FG
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That kinda worked. Running ssdr but frstack is not running. I loaded 10cw global profile. Changed the cwx macros and saved to 10cw global profile. Did the same for 12cw and 15cw. Then I exported all profiles and imported them back in, that makes sure that I have in operation the same as what I thought I exported.
Looking only on ssdr, have not started frstack yet. The 12cw global profile had the old cwx macros but the 10cw and 15cw global profiles had the newly saved cwx macros. Go figure.
still testing
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Yeah thats kind of strange.
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Export is used to save all profiles for instance before you do a factory reset you would export all profiles and settings so you can import them back in after reset. Use save (or create) to save a profile and load to load a profile.
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Yes I have been using profiles for quite a while, use them everyday. Just trying to change a global profile, export it, and then import it back to make sure it saved correctly. Some did, some did not.
Read that sometimes saving a profile using the same name after changing it does not work well so I loaded the old profile, deleted it and then saved it under a different name. Same results.
Guess I need more than a 38 IQ to run this radio and software, hi hi.
Fred, K0FG
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You could try to export your profiles with persistance unchecked to reset persistance and then import them back then do some more testing, if your comfortable you doing it correctly a factory reset would be a good idea.
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Have done a couple factory resets, no difference in the way the cwx macros work.
Loaded ssdr, went thru the cwx macros and set them the way I want them to work in each global profile. Exported and then imported. When I scroll thru loading each global profile they all come up with the correct cwx macros loaded.
Then I start frstack. Click on each of the global profiles in the frstack global profiles and some of them load correctly, and some do not, some still have the old verbiage in F2.
FRStack is a very handy program, wish I could get it to work for me. It's much easier to load a global profile from frstack than from the face of the radio. But I cannot trust it to load the correct values in the cwx macros. And it's not very handy to click on the global profile and then change F2 each time before I can send it.
Maybe I will uninstall frstack and then install it again. I'm retired, I have lots of time.
Fred, K0FG
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Well it did not work for very long. Just went back into ssdr, loaded the 15cw global profile and it came up with the old cwx veriage in F2.
Also I noticed that the delay and the speed in frstack cwx does not match what is in ssdr cwx fields.
I'm not doing anything with the radio itself, this is all ssdr and frstack.
Fred, K0FG
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