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Strange SSDR screen

My SSDR does not have usual control panel on the right side and there is a second "blank" screen with Flex logo in it. How to bring SSDR screen back to normal?


  • fpmacko
    fpmacko Member ✭✭

    I'm guessing that you've unwittingly detached the control panel from the main SSDR window and that it's now hidden by something or somehow minimized. Plus, you might have closed all of the info tabs in the bargain. This screen capture shows my control panel detached from the main SSDR window. Note the arrow at the top right. If I click it the control panel will return to the main SSDR window. Hope this is at least a hint to a resolution.

    73....Frank / WA3NHK

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    To get the main screen back, click the little arrow to pop the screen back in.

    To get the control panel back, click the little icon in the lower left corner:

    If the icon is already highlighted white (i.e. not greyed out), then Frank has it right, the popped out screen is on a different monitor or hiding behind another app.

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