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Relay Cycling for no apparent reason

John K3MA
John K3MA Member ✭✭✭

I have the 6600M, PGXL, TGXL SO2R, and AG2x8. The 6600M is on the desk and the balance of the equipment is in a utility room a short distance away. A couple times a day I hear relays cycling in the utility room for no apparent reason. It happens when I am doing nothing on the 6600M. Even if I am listening to band noise and have been for several hours. I have not yet been able to tell exactly what device (PGXL, TGXL or AG2x8) has the relays that are cycling or even if it is more than one.

I have a feeling it might be related to things I am doing on other equipment on the LAN. Plugging an internet cable into a new Laptop or unplugging a mesh network device. It happens quickly and I have not found the secret sauce to repeat it at will. I know it is happening because the relay noise is quite loud.

Does anyone else have this same issue or a theory of what is happening?

I even think this relay changing has on rare occasions taken my LAN down for a short while but I can't be sure.


  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hi John... it would help if you could narrow down WHAT is making the relay-clicking sound -- is it the 6600? PGXL? TGXL? AG2x8? (Sorry, I don't have any of this equipment. I'm assuming all of them have some sort of relay(s) in them) Is it multiples? Maybe have someone else sit in the room while you make changes to the LAN????

    Then, maybe narrow it down to specific activities that cause the relay click. That will also help us help you.