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Power Genius XL v3.7.32 Firmware and Utility

I'm trying to update the firmware on my PGXL with the new v3.7.32 Utility (already installed) and recognize my PGXL and asks me if I want to update it, but when trying to so I get an UPLOAD ERROR:

Device not to be found "with the IP address"

So I can not update the firmware.



  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Check your firewall/antivirus software. It may be blocking the amp from entering boot loader mode.

    Dave wo2x

  • Juan TG9AJR
    Juan TG9AJR Member ✭✭

    I just have the Windows 10 firewall/antivirus, no additional third party firewall/antivirus, and have no alerts about it.

    Also I will read again the Release Notes as I don't recall reading about doing anything in particular with the firewall/antivirus software in order to install the firmware update...

    The Power Genius Utility v3.7.23 it did downloaded and installed OK, no problem.

    It is only the firmware update after.

  • Juan TG9AJR
    Juan TG9AJR Member ✭✭

    Turn OFF (disable) firewall/antivirus and the same as with the firewall/antivirus ON (enable), no difference.

  • Dewey WØYWW
    Dewey WØYWW Member ✭✭

    I had the same IP Address error message issue on my windows 10 Pro computer, so I downloaded the new firmware to my desktop and executed the file from there, which worked. Problem also occurred, on my second Flex station setup, so again executed file from desktop, which worked.

  • Juan TG9AJR
    Juan TG9AJR Member ✭✭

    Dewey, I'm running Windows 10 (Home) and that is where I download and run the file from (from the Download folder, not the Desktop).

    The utility installed OK and it is the firmware update the one with the error on my end.

  • Dewey WØYWW
    Dewey WØYWW Member ✭✭

    I believe what I did was within the PGXL utility screen, to click on the setup icon (cog wheel) and then choose firmware recovery, which then requested the location of the firmware software on my pc.

  • Juan TG9AJR
    Juan TG9AJR Member ✭✭

    Thanks Dewey, well it turn out that today out of the blue the PGXL Utility worked and firmware was updated. Firewall/Antivirus untouched and active as always.

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