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Power Genius XL v3.7.32 Firmware and Utility are Now Available

Tim - W4TME
Tim - W4TME Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin

FlexRadio announces the immediate availability of the Power Genius XL Firmware v3.7.32 and Power Genius Utility. Power Genius XL v3.7.32 is a maintenance release intended for use with all Power Genius XL amplifiers, that includes performance enhancements and bug fixes. We highly recommend upgrading to the Power Genius XL Firmware v3.7.32 as soon as possible.

NOTE: The Power Genius XL firmware is now fully integrated into the Power Genius Utility, eliminating the need for a separate firmware download. Please review the Power Genius XL v3.7.32 Release Notes before installing the new Power Genius Utility and firmware to ensure an optimal software installation experience. 

Do not use previous versions of the Power Genius Utility with the latest version of the Power Genius XL firmware. Always use the Power Genius Utility provided with the Power Genius XL firmware upgrade.

The Power Genius XL v3.7.32 Utility/Firmware can be downloaded from the FlexRadio website.

The updated Power Genius XL User Guide for release v3.7.32 is also available for download from the FlexRadio website.


The following are highlights for the Power Genius XL v3.7.32 Release:

Added “Yaesu_3” CAT Support: PGXL firmware version 3.7.32 adds support for a third type of Yaesu™ CAT communication. If you have had problems with CAT support in the amplifier with a Yaesu transceiver, please try the new CAT “dialect”, YAESU_3


Significant Bug Fixes:

• Fixed CAT Parsing Error

• Fixed Truncated FlexRadio Nickname

• Fixed the Screensaver Dimming Defect

• False APC Trips Corrected