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CW Skimmer Lost Key (is it stored on local machine)

Hi All

I am building up a new PC and want to transfer my copy of CW Skimmer to it,

Now for some reason I can not find my License Key I can see the emails about it but the one with it is missing,

I have emailed the author but no reply is there anyway to find it on my old PC I had a look in the appdata folder nothing seen in there, and I did a quick look in the registry but I couldn't find any folders for CW skimmer on the registry which I thought was strange,

Not really Flex related I know but I am sure lots use it here,





  • W2ECK
    W2ECK Member ✭✭


    I have had the same issue. Send an email to Alex Shovkoplvas VE3NA. This is what I did, and he was kind enough to send me my registration key.

    Good Luck

    Paul w2eck

  • EI2GLB
    EI2GLB Member ✭✭

    Thanks Paul I did a good few days ago and no reply,

    Maybe I will try again




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