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A and B on a 6400M

I am slowly going thru the 6400/6600M manual to learn this radio. I love the radio and what it can do BUT am confused about A and B. For example, when I learned how easy it was to work split by activating Slice B it amazed me. However I am not sure what else the two slices can do together on the 6400 M that are equally amazing and really want to learn what they may be. I watched Mikes video about listening on one RX to set your audio but I don't think I can do that with my 6400M. Would anyone of my fellow FLEX owners be willing to list some of the options? The manual is speaking a new language to me and eventually it sinks in but I am impatient.:) Thanks.

Best Answers

  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Glad to help, Bob! I recommend going to YouTube and watching videos from Mike, VA3MW, Ken, NM9P, Tim, W4TME, Dave, WO2X and others. In particular, the videos regarding the AGC-T and RX/TX equalization will give you a really good understanding of how to set up these controls optimally.

    By the way, your 6400M is capable of full duplex, so the video that you watched from Mike is indeed applicable to you. Ken, NM9P's videos on the topic are also excellent and go into a bit more detail.

    If you are interested in creating your own applications, Dave, WO2X has done an amazing job of creating a Node Red environment and applications for Flex 6000 radios and accessories like the PGXL and TGXL.

  • Ken Wells
    Ken Wells Community Manager admin
    Answer ✓

    Something I often do is have one slice monitoring FT8 on one band, and use a second panadapter and slice to tune around on SSB or CW frequencies looking for DX, or listen to my buddies on the "rag chew" frequency.

    Or, I set up two panadapters/slices and two instances of WSJT-X and monitor FT8 on TWO bands at the same time - doubling my DXing pleasure!

    Or on 6 Meters, I listen to two frequencies at the same time "local FT8" on 50.313, and "DX FT8" on 50.323.

    It is great to be able to "multi-task" my radio


  • Bob
    Bob Member ✭✭

    Thank you Len! This will be very helpful I too am content to run one at a time which is what I have been doing to date and finding things as needed but since getting the FLEX am having a new experience and decided for the first time that instead of just learning how to turn the radio on and have QSO's which I have been doing for close to 70 years, that I am intrigued by this technology and am making an effort to get to know and use it as fully as I can. I very much appreciate your answer to my question.

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