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Flex 6600 Series Option Idea

Not sure if anyone had posted anything like this yet.

As a new user of a third party accessory connected device I have a couple ideas.

Create multiple accessory connectors for use with multiple devices or with dedicated slices.

My thought would to have each connector either dedicated to a specific slice or be able to have multiple devices connected and simply have software to select which slice they work with.

Another idea which I think would be very useful is for this ACC connector to be connected to its own audio source similar to the DIGU where as it bypasses all processing and equalization as that can alter hardware modems quality receive and transmit whereas currently all sound is sent to what ever is selected therefore can pass through all processing and equalization which is not desirable for digital modes.

Along with the last one above, dont connect the audio output of the ACC to the volume control for external or internal "maestro" speakers, varying loudness to our ears is important.

Above are my opinions after utilizing the RapidM M2 modem with my Flex6600. Works well but Flex improvements would make a huge difference. I have heard rumors of internal modems being worked on for the 6600 series and believe I would look at those and these options above would be a great advantage as well.

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