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Flex6400 open for 40 MHz

Activity on 40 MHz is increasing i EU, South-Africa and US. How to open the 6400 for TX-ing on the 8 meter band? I am considering to ask for an experimental license but I do need a dedicated radio and like to use mu 6400. TU de LA9BM


  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2022

    Hi LA9BM... if allowed by the IARU, access to this band would require a new TURF file, specific for your radio, from Flex. It would be best for you to open a Help Desk Ticket to get support directly from Flex.

    I don't know about EU or SA, but I'm not aware of any allocation in the 40Mhz region for the US or Canada.

  • LA9BM
    LA9BM Member ✭✭
    VE7ATJ_Don - TU for your reply and info. That's good news to let me know it's possible. Will call FlexRadio. 73/LA9BM, Leif
  • John KB4DU
    John KB4DU Member ✭✭✭✭

    For the phone call, best to call sales. Tech support typically doesn’t answer the phone. A help desk ticket usually gets a response.

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