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CAT control of Panadapter zoom, rate and other parameters?

Is there a way to control a panadapter's zoom, rate, and other display-related parameters via CAT control?

The list of ZZ commands in the "CAT User Guide" does not seem to include any, but FlexLib docs do seem to imply they can be controlled.

CAT support would make it a lot easier to add quick shortcuts to N1MM or DX Log to change these parameters, so I was wondering if by chance there was some undocumented syntax or something like that.


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    No, CAT commands are very limited in what they can do. I presume that they are there to provide compatibility for third party programs like loggers and digital mode programs.

    The Flex API has all commands available (literally ALL commands) and uses TCP/IP to communicate commands and responses. There are examples written in C++ for Arduino/Teensy, IBM's Node Red and C#.

    There is a C# FlexLib for dot net available that puts a wrapper around the API for easier C# development.

    So the direct answer to your first question is yes, but not with CAT.

    Here is a link to the API documentation:

    Home · flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs Wiki (github.com)

    Here is a link to the FlexLib dosumentation:

    FlexLib: Class List (flexradio.com)

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