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Tuner Genius feature addition

W2NER Member ✭✭
edited September 2022 in New Ideas

Two things which should be added;

1) Add RF detection to allow the tuner to start a tune just like the HF-Auto

2) Change the bypass, so it's automatically in that mode when power is off. Not having this dictates that the tuner must be powered on all the time.

3) Add more memory locations per band

4) not a feature but, fix the software uses the touch screen.

3 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    I’ll comment on #3 - I use an optimized G5RV on 80 due to space between two trees. Natively the SWR starts at 2.9:1 and goes up.

    I start tuning at 3.525 MHz and go in 50 kHz steps 3.525, 3.575, 3.625, etc). This puts the 10th memory at 3.975 MHz. The tuner will use whatever memory is closest for the tuning solution. This keeps the SWR below 1.5:1 no matter where I go in the band.

    160 meters has 20 memories per antenna.

    WARC bands (12, 17, 30) only need two memories.

    to calculate the start frequency and step size when using 10 memories per band, take the band’s lowest frequency and subtract from the highest frequency. Then divide by number of memories. That gives you step size. The first tune memory is lowest frequency + 1/2 the step size.

    Example for 40 meters - (7.300 - 7.000)/10 = 300 kHz

    300 kHz/ 10 memories = 30kHz.

    First memory is (7.000 MHz + (30/2 kHz) = 7.015 MHz.

    Add step size and second memory is 7.045


    on 80 meters you will never be more than 25 kHz from a tuning solution. On 40 meters you will never be more that 15 kHz.

    If you have been randomly tuning off various frequencies and want to start over, turn off the rear power switch. Hold the front Operate/Bypass button while turning on the rear switch. Hold the button until the screen says Config Reset. Retrain the tuner for each band.

    Don’t forget, you can bypass sections of the band where the SWR is low. In the Other tab in the configurator tab you can enter the start and stop frequencies for each antenna for that band. Enter the start and stop in kHz, not MHz.

    Note on your #1 - if you train the tuner it should not need to auto tune. You can always initiate a tune from front panel or TG app.

    Note on #2 - Tuner needs to be on to get Flex LAN info, CAT, or CI-V info to track radio frequency. See my description for bypass resonant sections of the band.

    73 Dave wo2x

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