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Rolling or wave appearing signal
Every now and then, there will be a signal that looks like a rounded wave go from low frequency to high (displayed ) frequency that shows on the spectrum line and the waterfall.
It has a slight tone to it. (it rolls by so fast ) Sometimes I don't see it at all. And at others, it seems to occur at regular intervals and then it goes away. I can never catch it quickly enough to photograph it or a screen shot. It is just a really odd thing. In the past I have seen signal spikes that travel up or down the band I am on that looks like someone tuning back and forth. But, this is different. Really odd. Anyone else see this?
Best Answer
Hi James, yes, I have seen quite a few different things that generally fit that description. One thing is tuner-uppers who sweep the band with a fairly high power signal. Very annoying... Another cause is switching power supplies drifting through the band until they find relative stability.
They put a bunch of solar panels on a school a few blocks north of me. First thing when the sun comes up is multiple waves of interference drifting up the band. I can't remember now, but at one point I decided that the base frequency was around 100 KHz (or was it 150...). As long as my beam is mostly headed E or W, it is livable.
In any event, my guess is either someone tuning up, or switching power supplies of some sort.
That is a good possibility. There is a house a couple of blocks from me that has solar panels. It has been vacant for a couple of years . Finally, the estate was settled and the house sold. The new owner rents it out. My guess the renters are using the panels now.
Not much I can do though. It doesn't cause interference as such. But, with any SDR I can see it!
I see it more often on 40 meters in the day. And occasionally on 20 meters as well.
Thanks for the reply.
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