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QRZ Account Credentials Not Working

KA9RCM Member ✭✭
I have entered my QRZ account info but it will not connect. I get an error message saying they are not correct. I am able to log into QRZ just fine as well as my Logbook app, HAMRS, which connects just fine to QRZ as well. Wondering if it’s a special character issue? Or password length issue? Password is 19 character long with special characters as well as cap letters.

Best Answer

  • KA9RCM
    KA9RCM Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Apparently you can’t have special characters in your password such as * and &
    Had to change my password on QRZ to fix the problem. Hopefully they will fix this in the next release.


  • David N4IW
    David N4IW Member ✭✭

    Precisely where did you enter your QRZ credentials? More info is needed.

  • Neil D Friedman N3DF
    Neil D Friedman N3DF Member ✭✭✭✭

    Since the category is SmartSDR for IOS, I presume the OP refers to the QRZ username and password entry in the settings for SmartSDR for IOS.

  • KA9RCM
    KA9RCM Member ✭✭
    > @"Neil D Friedman N3DF" said:
    > Since the category is SmartSDR for IOS, I presume the OP refers to the QRZ username and password entry in the settings for SmartSDR for IOS.

  • KA9RCM
    KA9RCM Member ✭✭
    > @"David N4IW" said:
    > Precisely where did you enter your QRZ credentials? More info is needed.

    iOS SDR app under settings, call databases
  • David N4IW
    David N4IW Member ✭✭

    Ok. That is helpful. My password is also complex, but only 16 characters long, and it works fine when clicking Test QRZ.com from inside the app. I suggest you email Marcus using the “Contact Developer” button inside the app with your question once you are positive your user name and password are perfectly correct inside the app. He is very responsive to questions.

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