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Why are there frequency differences when operating RTTY on my 6400M

Good Afternoon Flex Community. I have installed MMTTY and also have N1MM Plus on my computer. But for some reason, N1MM gives me the frequency that agrees with my Flexradio. But MMTTY gives me .002 lower than what my Flexradio is. I know that there is a setting within MMTTY to have it agree with what N1MM Plus is. But when I do that, the frequency reading on my 6400 is different with not only N1MM Plus but also MMTTY. Does anyone know why this is happening? Does it have to do with the space and tone settings within MMTTY? Any help that you can offer would be much appreciated. I would like to operate the CW WPX Rtty Contest this weekend. And trying to get everything working before the contest begins tomorrow evening. Thanks for all the help in advance.

Mark Griffin, KB3Z

Best Answer

  • Mark Griffin
    Mark Griffin Member ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Well, within the Digital Window setup, on the far left side the second line down allows you to check that the radio frequency will show in the DI Frequency. In that way you will not have an offset. Now the question will be when I transmit with a CQ, what frequency will show up over the telnet. It will probably be different, but not going to be too concerned about that.

    Mark KB3Z

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