SmartSDR v3.8.23 and the SmartSDR v3.8.23 Release Notes
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Power Genius XL Utility v3.8.9 and the Power Genius XL Release Notes v3.8.9
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Antenna Genius Utility v4.1.8
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I have a Flex6600M and SmartSDR
Best Answer
Hi Chris, in Flex terms, the front panel is a station (also called a GUI client). SmartSDR is also a station (GUI Client).
When both stations are connected to the radio, each can have one or more slices (receivers) open. The open slices on the front panel are not the same ones as the ones open in Smart SDR.
The exception to this is when you put the front panel into SmartControl mode. Then the front panel and SmartSDR are in sync. The slices shown on the front panel (although with no panadapter) will track the same slices shown on SmartSDR. You get panadapter and rig control using SmartSDR at the same time as rig control from the front panel controls.
The reason for each station connection acting independently is so that two people can control their own slices from their own stations (GUI Clients). This is particularly important to multi-operator contesters.
For us mere mortals who use the radio by ourselves, SmartControl is a great way to operate. You get the advantage of the larger screen from SmartSDR along with advantage of the knobs and buttons from the front panel. The only thing that you give up is the panadapter display on the front panel.
Did all that make sense?
Thanks for the advise. I suppose a 500 page operations manual would have told me, if one existed.0
The manual certainly does exist: the "Flex 6400M / 6600M User Guide", available for download from the FlexRadio web site. It is 206 pages. To find it, at the top of the site, click "Support", then "Documentation". There are many, many manuals, release notes, etc. available for free download.
73, Craig KØCF
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Of course, there is no need for SmartSDR, SmartControl or a computer to enjoy a large screen on the 6400M/6600M. Just plug a large monitor into the radio’s hdmi slot.
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