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Updating 6400M radio from v2.6.2 to 2.7.3 did not go well

Having had this radio quite a while I have updated it several times. This time things did not go well. All my profiles were gone. The radio will no longer key my AL80B. I don't use SmartSDR but I used it once to back up my profiles. It can see the radio not but will not connect even when cabled directly to the radio. I have cold booted and it did not help. I think I need to redo the update. Is that possible and if so how.


  • W2JV_
    W2JV_ Member ✭✭

    Stephen, It's never fun when we have issues with our hobbies! You might need to do a a factory reset.. I would wait until FLEX issues it's latest update due out soon after the Alpha team has given it its blessing, it should only take a couple of days.



  • I did a factory reset it did not help. I had the radio go back to 2.6.2 which it did successfully. Now it won't transmit.

  • I am back on 2.7.3 and I see what may be the problem. The radios "Transmit" menu screen does not match the one shown in the manual. I see no way to disable the Interlocks, and no way to enable RCA TX1.

  • Erik Carling EI4KF
    Erik Carling EI4KF Member ✭✭✭

    I'd say that requires a remote observation by someone from Flex. You could open a ticket with full explanatory details. They will have you up and running again, I am sure.

  • Thanks. I have done so.

  • The problem is fixed by going to the TX Band Settings menu. I am puzzled I have never used this screen even under v2.6.2. I handled everything from the "transmit" menu.  The enable for RCA TX1 and disable buttons for RCA TX Req that are shown in the v2 and v3 manual are not on my "transmit" menu at all.

    On another subject I have never used the Windows software to talk to the radio other then one time to save my profiles.  I tried to connect to the radio multiple times in the last few days to move the saved profiles over to the radio. Even when cabled directly from the PC to the radio I am unable to connect to the radio.   The software sees the radio and it disappears if I remove the cable.  Plugging the cat6 cable back in and the radio appears in the software but I cannot connect to it. Is this part of the problem all the remote ops are having?

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