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6400 with ATU and QSK?

I'm considering purchasing a 6400 with internal ATU. I'm predominantly a CW op and use full break-in. Are there still problems with full QSK when the internal ATU is fitted. I've trawlled through old posts that discuss the problem but they all seem to be at least 2 years old. Does this mean that the problem has been solved or does it still exist? At present I run an Elecraft K3 that has excellent QSK and I don't like the thought of anything inferior.


  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Eric, whether you would be happy with the Flex QSK probably depends on your expectations. I use full QSK with my 6400 and really like it. I don't think I can quite hear between dots at 24 WPM, but I can certainly hear between words. This may just be a function of how I have my radio set up. Having never operated a K3, I can't really compare the two. How fast can you listen between dots on the K3?

    If you can find someone locally with a Flex 6400 or 6600 with the latest release to try out QSK, that would be best. Only you know if it is good enough to warrant the purchase.

    I do know that at least one other major brand of SDR radio does not offer QSK at all, so you are right to question it.

  • Eric Tucker
    Eric Tucker Member
    Thanks Len. The K3 does let me listen between dots. It's just like receiving normally with the sidetone superimposed over the top. Unfortunately I don't have any locals with Flex rigs to listen to, so will have to glean as much as I can from other users in the Community. Thanks again for your info.

    Vy 73, Eric G3TXZ.

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