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FreeDV waveform isn't working, I don't think

EdDial Member
edited April 2021 in SmartSDR for Windows
I installed the posted FreeDV waveform on my 6600M using 3.2.31 SmartSDR. The installation went well under Windows 10 and the second part of the installation on SmartSDR also went well. I can open the status window on the Windows desktop and select SDV from the mode pulldown, but the status windows reports "No FreeDV Slice" and there is no noticeable difference on the radio other than narrowing the bandwidth and offseting the carrier marker. I can still hear atmospherics and can decode analog USB signals. What should the user experience be? Do I have to find a DV signal for the status window to respond?

Best Answer

  • WX7Y
    WX7Y Member ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    D-Star needed a USB interface device and API and FreeDV just needed the API.

    There hasn't been any support for D-Star and FreeDV API's for several years and there has been NO work done to update the API by whoever wrote the API which NEVER got updated is why I think FLEX stopped supporting it.

    The normal Stand alone software runs very well using DAX and CAT and of course a Computer Speakers and Microphone and the 2nd sound devices. 

    This way you have the latest and greatest Version of FreeDV which is updated ALL the time on your computer.


  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hi EdDial... someone who is using/has used the FreeDV waveform may chime in with more current info, but my understanding is that Flex no longer supports the dongle nor the software. I don't believe the vendor who was involved in the product is still in existence, or at least no longer develops/works on the FreeDV waveform.

    I've seen numerous threads on the community about the lack of updates to the waveform/hardware.


  • EdDial
    EdDial Member
    I didn't see any mention of the need for additional hardware for FreeDV. Are you thinking of the D-Star waveform?
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭

    I haven't tested freeDV, but the D-Star waveform still works with my Flex-6500 and SSDR 2.7.6. last year I got an used IC-7100, which is D-Star capable on HF. The test with my ThumbDV DV3000U USB dongle worked well. It was just a test on 10mtrs up there, where such a wide transmission like D-Star is allowed :-) As I have just 1 (one) OM nearby, who also owns an IC-7100, my options are limited, though...

  • Bill AB7AA
    Bill AB7AA Member ✭✭✭

    Hi Dr.med.

    I also have a ThumbDV USB dongle. How did you install it in SSDR? That would be the trick.


    Bill AB7AA

  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2021

    Hi Bill,

    The dongle plugs into the Flex-6500 usb port and the waveform installs on your pc with the installer provided by SSDR. I think you can't find the waveform download anymore, as it is not supported by FlexRadio. I've tried to send it to you via email, but the mail bounced. You can send a short mail with your new email address to dh2id@darc.de and I'll answer.

    73, Alex - DH2ID

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