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anybody can show me a demo

Want get into FlexRadio before I buy anybody willing show me a demo I downloaded smartsdr for windows looking buy 6400 before I spend the money want see if I like sdr anybody willing share for maybe 1 hour please let me know my email good on my qrz w2mgf my call 73 de w2mgf


  • Erik Carling EI4KF
    Erik Carling EI4KF Member ✭✭✭

    There are many video demonstrations on You Tube, just search 'Flex Radio 6400'. You will see demos of the 6400 by users, SmartSDR by Mike VA3MW and many other demos at https://www.youtube.com/user/FlexRadioSystems/videos

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    I know this want see how a like user experience big difference so was woundring if i can remote into someone station using smartlink how ever its done because i myself will run it remote if I do bye one I hope you understand
  • John K3MA
    John K3MA Member ✭✭✭

    Maybe contact Flex support and see if they have a option for what you want to do. I know they have had multiple stations setup at hamfests to do exactly what you are asking. Since hamfests have been cancelled maybe they have a option setup to handle requests on a one off basis.

    John K3MA

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    Mike got back to me he said the remote station is tied up on a non amateur project this made my choice clear now will buy icom 7610 with remote software lost a customer
  • Erik Carling EI4KF
    Erik Carling EI4KF Member ✭✭✭

    That is a pity as the attitude fails Flex badly. I hope someone on here will step in and give you remote access. If you could try Flex / SDR you would not be buying a 7610. Please wait at least a few days to see if assistance is at hand.

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    Mike now said it can be available tomorrow weird how fast people change the mines thinking staying away now I do not like people like that but i wait and see
  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    W2mgfdx.... I'm curious.. does Icom provide a 'remote access' try-before-buy capability?

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    No but i have icom friend had icom before I bought it wanted try something different now
  • Neil D Friedman N3DF
    Neil D Friedman N3DF Member ✭✭✭✭

    There is no transceiver manufacturer—nor has there ever been one—that reaches out to existing and potential customers as Flex has done at major hamfests. At Dayton in 2019, Flex had 20 operating positions. You could sit down at one and, if you wished, a Flex expert would sit with you for half an hour explaining features and teaching you the system. In addition, Flex had two dinners with presentations that drew a total of about 500 attendees. Unfortunately COVID 19 has interfered with this activity, but I am confident it will return next year.

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    So you telling me I need travel spend more money I do not have to do a demo at a show okay my friend maybe you rich i am not have bless day
  • Chris DL5NAM
    Chris DL5NAM Member ✭✭✭

    i think it' better for you and us if you buy any product from Yaesu, Icom or Kenwood. It's save you time and easy on our nerves. Sorry, we are Flex user here not responsable to fill your needs !

    And i can understand that nobody will give any unknown person remote access to a TRX. How they know do you have a valid license?

    73 Chris DL5NAM

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    Not forcing anybody do anything they do not want to do Just a question I asked do not need to be all that series wow amazinh world we live in today just simple question brings out the real person wow
  • John K3MA
    John K3MA Member ✭✭✭

    @w2mgfdx, since you have never operated a Flex remote your first question was reasonable. I considered helping and giving you access to my station but then thought about all the issues and time I would need to put in to allow someone I do not know and have never met access. You would not be aware of these but they include.

    1) Ensuring you have downloaded the proper version of SmartSDR.

    2) Helping you to make sure the correct ports are open on your router.

    3) Providing you with my personal login and password for SmartLink.

    4) Ensuring that you have your audio devices setup correctly.

    5) Spending time with you to ensure you log in correctly and don't change a critical setting by mistake and if you do correcting it when your done.

    6) Watching you while you using the station to make sure you do not break anything do to not being familiar with my station and stay within the FCC operating rules so I don't get blamed.

    7) Answering any question you have on how the SmartSDR interface operates and how to do things. Showing you how to do it correctly when you do not understand because you have not used it before.

    8) Once your done changing my SmartLink login and password and recertifying so that you cannot login again in the future.

    These items would require a significant investment of time and that time can quickly get much more significant if something does not go exactly right due to your internet provider or home lan equipment.

    I am sure on your end it seems like a simple request and if you were able to sit down in front of the screen with me it would be easy to do but to do it while the person is remote is quite a bit more time intensive.

    By the way I have operated almost all other remote systems the same would be the case if you want someone to you do not know to allow you to use their Icom remotely with the Icom software that you had neither a copy of or any prior knowledge.

    Of course your free to select any radio and remote solution you wish. There are many solutions and often one solution is the not best for the way you operate or even at the particular time you wish to operate. For example I run my Flex station remotely when I am at home or away at another location but while driving I use remoteham.com running with my IC7100 that is located at my home station. I have found it works better for my needs at the time of use.

    Good Luck with your decision.

    John K3MA

  • John KB4DU
    John KB4DU Member ✭✭✭✭

    So, this touches on an issue with using a flex at the club station that would be available to members remotely. This may not be the best place for this, but here goes. My understanding is that legal operation of a ham station is the operator. For flex this would be the remote operator, not the owner of the equipment. For repeaters there is a requirement for a control operator, but not for remote. Is this correct?

  • Chris DL5NAM
    Chris DL5NAM Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2021


     For flex this would be the remote operator, not the owner of the equipment. <<

    That's great new - if it's true and my hardware disturb any TV from my neighbor - i will tell him :it's not me - it was the guy from anywhere :-)

    No, you responsable for your station - nobody else. You have to pay the bill !

    73 Chris DL5NAM

    PS: ... and i trust nobody how have no name and call sign with his message - but has something to do with decency and nursery - means not you John

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    Not buying 100% now after this video I saw and many more videos like this flex wake up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIAItC7g0CA&t=873s
  • Neil D Friedman N3DF
    Neil D Friedman N3DF Member ✭✭✭✭


    I don’t see how your club/remote station would be any different from our club stations here at the Dayton Amateur Radio Association, where club members have the combination to enter the building and can sit at any of the operating positions.

  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    W2mgfdx -- I'm glad you found a radio you will be happy with -- the Yaesu FTDX-10. Moving from a 'knob' radio to a full SDR interface like SMARTSDR is a big jump for many. There have been numerous discussions on this forum and many others about the advantages and disadvantages of each. It really comes down to a personal preference.

    Please understand tho, that you are not comparing apples to apples between the FTDX series and the FLEX. While they share some similarities, they operate on very different platforms. The Flex is more of a radio 'server' and is end-to-end SDR. The Maestro and -M model interface works to provide a 'knob' interface for users. The Yaesu is a hybrid. Still a very capable radio, but not the same as a Flex.

    As I said.. I'm happy you've found something that you will be happy with. Look forward to working you on the air!

  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    not getting that radio i actually placed the order for 6400 6-8 weeks good part jp did not take any payment yet he will contact me when it ships cant wait
  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    Well, let me be the first to congratulate and welcome you! I have a number of friend hams that I showed my 6500 to, and after they took the plunge, they have been very happy clients.

    And please, feel free to reach out to us here in the forum. We all know what it took for us to get through the first few weeks as we figured out how to make the flex work 'just right' for us.

    I would strongly suggest reading through the SmartSDR manual before receiving your radio. Take it maybe a chapter or two at a time -- it's a little long... :-) But it will definitely give you a huge head start when the radio does arrive.


  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    I will figure things out
  • w2mgfdx
    w2mgfdx Member
    I ordered one with no tuner because might be getting a amp and want get external tuner just not sure whcih one yet I know the good ones are costly so I rather save and get something good will see thank you FlexRadio Family cheers 73 de w2mgf
  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    The antenna tuner in my 6500 does a great job of matching up to a 43' vertical on all bands -- 160m thru 6m. It actually does a better job than my LDG AT200.

    But if you want to put on an amp, yea it'd be good to see about an external tuner.

  • Lou KI5FTY
    Lou KI5FTY Member ✭✭

    Hey @VE7ATJ_Don tell us more about your 43' vertical. Is that just a wire ground plane or some commercial antenna. I have been planning on building a wire vertical into a tree. Any information would be appreciated.

  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Lou... at the risk of hijacking the thread, it's nothing special. Just 43' of #10 or #12 guage solid copper wire, plastic coated (I got it from the rack at Home Depot) stapled into the side of a fir tree in my back yard. There's a 4::1 un-un (from LDG) at the bottom where it is fed. I've also spread a skirt of twenty-five 25' radials (similar wire) at the bottom, attached to a stainless steel plate.

    If you go to my QRZ.com page, there are pictures there.

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