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6700 frequency calibration

I use an external 10mhz GPS standard on my 6700 and find that at 15mhz the error is in the range of 15-20 ppb... at 7mhz it jumps to around 200 ppb and at 3.5 its around 330 ppb... what is the factory acceptable error?? Are these figures within spec?



  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    I think that these numbers represent a fraction of a Hz. My trick is to do the calibration, then open two slices. Put one slice on USB the other on LSB. Then tune both slices to the same WWV station (15 MHz, for example). A 1 Hz error will result in an obvious beat note that you will hear in the 500 or 600 Hz tones. It should give you the confidence that your 6700 is calibrated properly.

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