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6400 Preselector Band Limits?

I have a new FLEX-6400, no ATU, no GPSDO. Spending time learning the receiver and reading the manuals. I am running it on the Mac mini (Late 2014) with a local network connection. This is my entry into SDRs for Amateur Radio.

Tuning the receiver using one pan adapter and one slice receiver, I hear a click from inside the radio, and a change in the sound of the noise. Tuning in the opposite direction, I hear the click and back to the first sound of the noise at a different, but nearby, frequency. I suspect this is switching in the "optional" preselector. The manual (12.2.1) calls it optional, but since it is not a choice at purchase, I suspect is sometimes bypassed.

What are the Frequency Ranges of the Preselector? What ranges are simply Bypassed (if any)?

So far, the more I learn about operating this radio, the better I like it.

Tim, KI4TG


  • VE7ATJ_Don
    VE7ATJ_Don Member ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Tim.. I'm not a 6400 owner (I have the 6500), but from what I think I know of the preselectors/band filters they are tuned for the amateur hf bands. Maybe you are approaching/leaving the boundaries of a ham band when you hear the click?

  • There are several below 160m
  • John KB4DU
    John KB4DU Member ✭✭✭✭

    I don’t have access to the radio on this trip, but I think the preselector filters are only on the contest bands.

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