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No power out and no waterfall signal

Just received my Flex6400 from Flex a couple days ago (new from Flex). No issues setting up software but upon power up and software connecting to radio, nothing shows on the waterfall on any of the bands and no power out on any bands that my antenna is tuned for. Checked SWR on 7300 and Bird meter and anyenna is good. Upped gain on antenna setting but again no signal present. Everything else on software works. TX light comes on hardware. 13.9 volts Astron 35 amp supply. 2nd Flex so I know my way around somewhat. ?


  • Jack6600
    Jack6600 Member ✭✭

    Did you try opening a second pan adapter? Can you do a screen shot, crop it and attach it to your reply?

  • ac5s
    ac5s Member
    I think this is what you were asking for. No signal on 2nd slice either
  • ac5s
    ac5s Member
    Rechecked power output and is basically zero on Bird meter in RTTY mode (10, 20, 15 and 40 meters) into vertical antenna at 1.8:1 or better SWR.
  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭

    Perhaps you need to move the divider up, where the waterfall should start to split the screen, with the waterfall on the bottom.

    Place the mouse pointer on the line, just below the signal screen, hold the mouse button down, and move the line up to "split" the screen.



  • Alan
    Alan Member ✭✭✭✭
  • ac5s
    ac5s Member
    Have feeling this is software related. I put in a ticket. Paul
  • KD0RC
    KD0RC Member, Super Elmer Moderator

    Hi Paul, go to Settings, TX Band Settings... And make sure that the PTT Inhibit box is not checked for the band of interest. Also make sure that you have the right antenna selected for TX and RX. On the flag in the panadapter, there is a blue ant indicator for RX and a red one for TX.


    Len, KD0RC

  • Bob KC9RF
    Bob KC9RF Member ✭✭

    TX is not selected on slice A. use your mouse to hover over the TX and make sure it is the color red by selecting with mouse. Test by selecting tune for output power

    Also check your transmit band selection menu for power selections and PTT inhibit as mentioned by KD0RC.

    Bob KC9RF

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