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CW keyer

Keith Mitchell
Keith Mitchell Member ✭✭
I have a Flexradio 6400 which sits 60' from my operating position connected by ethernet to my controlling computer.  If I purchase something like a Winkeyer, can I send CW ?


  • Steven Linley
    Steven Linley Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    You can run your paddle wires 60 if you shield them (maybe use more CAT5 cable).  Or use CWX.  are you using SmartSDR?
  • Keith Mitchell
    Keith Mitchell Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Stephen, I can run SmartSDR on my windows box or Dogparksdr on my mac.  Running 60' of new wire would be a challenge. The ethernet was already in the walls. Was hoping to be able to connect a keyed to the computer and still have the 6400 send CW.
  • Wayne W5GIE
    Wayne W5GIE Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    I have a similar situation with the 6600M about 40 feet away in a storage room where 220VAC (for the amplifier) and antenna cables enter the house.  I use the CWX feature of SmartSDR and have never looked back.
  • Steven Linley
    Steven Linley Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Well, I like CWX sometimes and I bet the ops coping my fist love it,
    but I like to use a paddle too.  so, I use a Maestro.
  • Mario_DL3LSM
    Mario_DL3LSM Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Hello Keith, I have posted something on the community which might be a solution in your case. Please have a look here: https://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/releasing-xkey-a-remote-keying-interface-running-on...

    73, Mario DL3LSM
  • Keith Mitchell
    Keith Mitchell Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Mario, this looks like a fun approach. Thanks for the response, I'll start traveling down this road!

  • Mario_DL3LSM
    Mario_DL3LSM Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Yes, I had great fun to use these small controllers (Teensy or Arduino) for the first time.. But I'm really afraid that FT8 killed CW as there is not much response.. For xDAX it was different.. :-) Have fun!

    73, Mario DL3LSM

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