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TX filter settings for RTTY

W5AP Member
All posts for this thread are 6 years old. So was wondering what others set the TX filter settings for RTTY that are tight and work?


  • Clay N9IO
    Clay N9IO Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    400hz typically down to 250hz in a crowded contest band. Rock solid filter skirts on all of the 6K series radios. Using N1MM+ and MMTTY decodes quite well. de Clay N9IO
  • k3Tim
    k3Tim Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    For transmit I have set the TX bandwidth same as SSB. This seems reasonable because the RTTY tones are generated digitally and will have no noise or other artifacts that need filtering, round off error notwithstanding. 

    Instead of using the old school tone pairs at 2250 cycles (from the 88mH torroid days) I use 1000 cycles to ease the math with spots etc.


    k3Tim // Tim
  • ctate243
    ctate243 Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    If you happened to watch W0YK at contest U, he recommends a 500hz filter for the best RTTY decode.  I usually use 400hz (I have won several rtty contests)   Filters set at the tightest setting can result in additional latency.. so experiment with that and find your tolerance vs rejection level
  • W5AP
    W5AP Member
    edited May 2020
    So by pushing the TX button (mic/cw speed,etc) In the filter skirts, you'd set 1000 plus or minus say 750 (the shift is 700 in afsk)

    Tnx, Jim
  • W5AP
    W5AP Member
    edited May 2020
    Tnx Chris

    I did watch his Ed's excellent presentation. But I'm not interested in the RX filter settings, but what to set the filters (using a 1275 Mark ) by pushing the TX (mic/cw) button which brings up the TX window on the 6600M

    I wasn't clear on that I guess


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