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Remote Start since the new firmware

Member ✭✭
edited June 2020 in FLEX-6000 Signature Series
My system is 6500   v3.1.11  Kamtronics UDP 8 relay board with a RCA  cable.
Lan cable into the network
  • Radio setup menu has  the Remote  enabled 
When i close the relay, the radio starts , couple clicks , then my call sign   then one click , starts or flashes  green. 
On the first start up it 50/50 shot  flashing green or solid green. 
If i try again  it shuts down then  i try it again, most of the time i get solid green.
 Why is this happening since the firmware up date ? 
I am using thin wire for the remote RCA plug,  maybe better wire? 
Am i the only one have this  problem ?
I did factory reset already and loaded my profiles. 
i had no problems for months . 
I keep it on 8 hr at a time. 


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  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Try disabling your remote start up and see if it still does this. It sounds as if your remote switch is likely to be the problem and this is an easy way to find out. The remote switch does not draw a great deal of current but if your RCA cable was really thin its resistance might cause the Flex to have insufficient voltage to reliably engage.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited June 2020
    Same exact problem with my 6500. Started with the update to 3.1.11.
    It seems to be happening more frequently now.
    Have to hold in the power button for 5 sec to turn it off once in the fast-blinking green light.

    Will open a help desk ticket.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    WELL its getting worst !
     6 times remote on remote off, push button ,  disconnected power,  still can't boot!
     Finally after 7 times i got it to work , going back a version. 
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I would not recommend going back a version!  Beware the release notes state the following:
    Release Specific Caveats:
    After installing this release (v3.1.11) we strongly recommend you do not revert to a
    previous version of SmartSDR to ensure the data integrity of the SD card.

    If you do let us know how it goes? 


  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2020
    My 6700 works fine for remote on and off with the new update, I can't check the F6600M because I lost the SDCard and waiting for the new one to come in before I can test that one.


  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    What SD card , I guess there a Sd card in the box ? So never shut it off , ? Or pack it up and send it in ?
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    it's on the 6400 and 6600 model, I don't think the other models have the issue at least I have never lost one on them on my old 6700. This is one of the MAIN fix's on the NEW firmware that was just released to stop this from happening according to the release notes so don't think it pertains to your 6500. 
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited May 2020
    Those of you that are having this problem: Do you have any kind of 3rd party application or hardware (Antenna Genius, etc) running that connects to the radio as soon as it boots up?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    W7NIK, yes all 6000 radios have an SD card . there have been SD card problems reported on all models but it is not a common problem and has not effected everyone. Flex made changes in software in the last maintenance up date to protect the cards better.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    yes i do been running fine  for months,  Pst rotator AZ  controls my relays,  Relay 8  turns on my 6500 , then when it finally  starts  the other automatic relays click in , based on freq,  80 m switches  relays  etc. 
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    But the PST works thru the  CAT port 4992  after startup is solid green .
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    thank you i did not know , thought it was aftermarket SD cards
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    The cards are not the type you buy in a store, the ones Flex uses are very heavy duty and can be writen to thousands of time more than the consumer brands.
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited May 2020
    I don't think something connected via CAT should cause this.  We have identified an issue that is present in both v3.1.8 and v3.1.11 that can cause the radio firmware to crash if a client connects while we are in the final stage of booting up.  We have a fix coming for this, but in the meantime, if you are using an application or hardware that connects automatically to the radio via the API (not CAT), you can work around this issue by booting the radio without the application or hardware running.  Once the radio is booted up, it should be fine to start the application and/or hardware without a problem.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Ok, I opened a Help Desk issue, Ken has helped me correct the problem. Here it is:

    6) Try this Cold-Boot Factory-Reset procedure, even if you have done something similar before.  This has some specific timing elements that make sure that the processors are reset properly.

    Back up your profiles
    Note: If you skip this step, you will delete any saved profiles.  If you have not created any profiles, this step is not necessary.
    • Start SmartSDR for Windows and connect to your radio
    • Export your Profiles with the Preferences setting UNSELECTED.  << important!
    • Close SmartSDR

    Perform a Cold Boot and Factory Reset of your radio
    • Power off the radio by pressing and releasing the power button. Allow it to completely power down before continuing by waiting for the power LED to turn off (or amber if a GPSDO is installed). If pressing and releasing the power button does not shut down the radio, press and hold the power button until the radio shuts down.
    • Once the radio is powered off, wait for 2 minutes to allow for all processors to properly shut down.
    • Remove the power cable from the radio for at least 30 seconds and then reconnect it.  It is important to remove the power cable from the radio and not just turn off the power supply. 
    • After reconnecting the DC power cable, wait for 2 minutes to allow for the internal PSoC processor to boot up completely before continuing.
    • Press and hold the OK button while pressing and releasing the Power button.
    • Release the OK button once the power LED turns white and allow the radio to continue booting normally.
    My FLEX-6500 now works perfectly!   GL   de NZ1Q
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    This solve my problem with node red while booting radio crashes and flashing red!!
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Question;   What is the "OK" button you say to hold while pressing and releasing the Power button?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Alan, on the 6500, 6700, 6300, there is an ok button in the centre of the multi button on the front.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Great to learn Eric, you have identified the issue that causes the radio to crash on boot up if a client connects when the radio is in final stages of boot up. I do this all the time with my windows laptop and/or ipad connecting before the radio has booted. The radio is to one side of me out of sight and I think what happens on boot up is I hear the fan running and think it has completed the boot but it has not completed and crashes as my client connects :-(
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I did this procedure, I did get one good boot , first remote signal it went solid green :)! Then I tried it again not good flashing green . If I do a 5 sec button reset it reboot Ok . Do not shut it down :)
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I would open a HelpDesk ticket and have Ken or someone work through this with you.  GL
    P.S. I found the instructions must be followed exactly, reset times, etc.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Eric:   I have had this problem running 3.1.8 currently.
    My radio room is in the garage.  I operate "remotely" from a more comfortable
    room inside the house.  I use Node Red to control relays that power on the radio and connect to read status from the 6600.    This sometimes causes a crash while booting up.

    Once you have a fix, I would be interested in helpig with beta testing.

    Neal Pollack,  N6YFM
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Well , I think we have a solution :)  No profiles loaded all works fine . I did 2 button start up , ok , i did  maestro connection, then i did 3 remote start ups. all OK . My profiles import has issues.
    Customer service at flex is AWESOME ! 
  • Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    So how do you do this procedure on a 6600 that does not have an OK button?
  • Administrator, FlexRadio Employee admin
    edited May 2020
    Just press and hold the power button when powering up for a factory reset on models that don't have an OK button.  Be warned: This will cause your existing settings to get wiped out.  Backup your profiles and preferences prior to doing this if they are important to you.

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