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API Help
Member ✭✭✭
I want to access the API to turn a relay output off and on.
This works -
ampline$ = "tx1"
handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C0|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=f")
It turns off.
This doesn't -
ampline$ = "tx1"
handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C0|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=f")
It doesn't turn back on.
Please, what did I mess up?
This works -
ampline$ = "tx1"
handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C0|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=f")
It turns off.
This doesn't -
ampline$ = "tx1"
handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C0|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=f")
It doesn't turn back on.
Please, what did I mess up?
Did you mean to say "_enabled=t" (true) in the second snippet?
0 -
Not an expert on the FlexAPI but your two sample code fragments, as written here are identical. If that's what you really have, then I suspect you need to change "_enabled=f" to "_enabled=t".
0 -
Yes, I copied wrong from the program.
This doesn't work -
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C3|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=t")
I'm guessing I have messed up the syntax somehow.
0 -
Do you issue commands C1 and C2 before issuing the C3 that doesn't work? There may be something going wrong in the intermediate code that you've not shown. Do you close the TCP/IP connection after each command?
0 -
As long as you asked...
Liberty Basic Code -
' TCP/IP socket functions by by Alex Davies
open "mesock32.dll" for dll as #me
WindowWidth = 200
WindowHeight = 146
loadbmp "Tune", "C:Tune Antenna Tuner SafelyTune.bmp"
loadbmp "Stop", "C:Tune Antenna Tuner SafelyStop.bmp"
'-----Begin GUI objects code
bmpbutton #main.start,"C:Tune Antenna Tuner SafelyTune.bmp",[startClick], UL, 0, 0
'button #main.reconn, " RESET ", [reconnClick], UL, 0, 76 , 184, 30
'-----End GUI objects code
open "TS" for window as #main
'print #main.reconn, "!font ms_sans_serif 14 bold"
print #main, "trapclose [quit]"
'read .ini file for address, RCA TX line, tune power
open "C:Tune Antenna Tuner SafelyTATS.ini" for input as #tuncfg
line input #tuncfg, radioaddress$
line input #tuncfg, ampline$
input #tuncfg, tunepower$
close #tuncfg
' handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
' temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C4|transmit set tunepower=0")
if tuneflag = 0 then
handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C0|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=f")
'temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C1|transmit set tunepower=";tunepower$)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C1|transmit tune on")
print #main.start, "bitmap Stop"
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C2|transmit tune off")
'temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C4|transmit set tunepower=";tunepower$)
temp =TCPPrint(handle, "C3|interlock "; ampline$; "_enabled=T")
temp = TCPClose(handle)
print #main.start, "bitmap Tune"
end if
' temp = TCPClose(handle)
' handle = TCPOpen(radioaddress$, 4992)
' wait
temp = TCPClose(handle)
close #me
close #main
''''Function TCPOpen()''''''''''
Function TCPOpen(address$,Port)
calldll #me, "Open", address$ As ptr,_
Port As Long,_
Timeout As Long, re As Long
End Function
''''Function TCPReceive$()''''''''''
Function TCPReceive$(handle)
calldll #me, "ReceiveA" ,handle As Long,_
buffer As Long,_
all As Long, re As long
if re<>0 then TCPReceive$ = winstring(re)
End Function
''''Function TCPPrint()''''''''''
Function TCPPrint(handle,text$)
calldll #me, "PrintA", handle As Long,_
text$ As ptr,re As Long
End Function
''''Function TCPClose()''''''''''
Function TCPClose(handle)
calldll #me, "CloseA",handle As Long,_
TCPClose As Long
End Function
0 -
Is the issue that you used a capital "T" instead of lower case "t"? 73, Len, KD0RC0
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