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Tried but I could'nt do it! Should I stay or should I go?

Member ✭✭
Well I tried version 2.6 from 2.4.9 but I could not live with it for the following reasons.

1. Tuner does not work correctly as it did in 2.49

2. Profiles are impossible now and I cant afford to take chances with my Amp being over driven and no I dont want to have to change the main power limitation everytime I want to use it.

3. API now is totally different and I already have numerous custom programs developed to control the Flex for the API's prior to 2.5.

I had no issues going back to 2.49 from 2.6 following the recommendations for the 6400M.

Only issue was I had to reinstall SDR 2.49 twice since I read I did not have to delete the CAT and DAX drivers, which I did since once I put 2.49 back on, hard reset the 6400m and loaded my previous great profiles before they were rendered useless I had to reinstall 2.49 again uninstalling CAT and DAX from the 2.6 version.

Now it all works as well as it use to before 2.5.

I feel misled into spending $3300 for a 6400m with the promise of how easy it was and would continue to be supported blah, blah, blah. It was easy and worked fine till you messed it all up with Multiflex, database changes, profile change etc. You should at least support the original buyers with proper version updates that work with previous software provided upon purchase. 
Really its been less than 15 months and you have made my purchased 6400m obsolete. 

I will say I have had my learning experience and am just so happy I did 2 things right along the way. They are:

1. Always downloaded and saved every API/version published as soon as they appeared on the Download Page. Saved every version update all the notes everything I could find on the 6k series before the 2.5/3.0 multiflex versions showed up and all this other stuff that I had disappeared from the site now.

2. Backed up and have 4 copies of my Flex SD card and currently running on a Sandisk 32gb A1 version which has proved reliable but just in case I still have the original 256mb card.

Happy Birthday to my 6400M it turns 2 years old in March this year. I have been blessed to not have any of the hardware issues others have had and it has worked hardware wise great, software not so much. 

Now that 3rd party software is not supporting older API mostly I guess I'm back to the Yaesu or Icom for digital which is fine.

I will say though since I got the freeware stopupdates program for my win10 machines I have had no issues caused by windows anymore. I can switch updates on or off with a push of the button when I want them to happen Not when Microsoft wants them to happen.

Anyway Thanks for the learning experience and the great hardware. Glad I did'nt throw good money after bad to get the updates though.

I like the flex its ok but its not user friendly and I sure hate waiting for 2 minutes and hoping it boots up right everytime I want to use it. There is no perfect rig out there and now for some reason everyone thinks they should be able to get north of $3,000 for an SDR, except for the one next to my flex which boots in 15 seconds works everytime and does not crash and costs less than $1500. 

I had high hopes but when reality came crashing down time after time I had enough.

Good luck in the future to all the flex fans, I gave you 2 years in hopes you would do it right, but you have not lived up to my expectations, and have said you would do things which apparently you never had any intention of doing.

I do find it interesting though that one of your profiles listed as an employee spends much of each day on another SDR board the one that boots in 20 seconds doing emails etc. Kinda says a lot about flex when I see that on a daily basis.


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  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I know it's probably not a helpful reply for you ... but for me the Flex 6400 is extremely easy to use and rock solid.  It's on 24/7 and of course once in a great while it can get confused - but so does my stereo and TV and router and everything else that runs software.  I run it remotely 99% of the time from 20 miles away and just cycle power and use the remote on/off if needed via the iTech box.  Like I said, it isn't often.

    I use it for SSB, AM, FM, FT8 mostly so I can't comment on all the digital modes, nor do I write my own SW for it, but it's been one of the most happiest purchases in my life.  Yes, I'm on 2.6.x.  

    It was not inexpensive, I grant you that, but the $/hour of fun has been a good ROI for me.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I'm happy you like it, there is a lot to be said for it that is positive, however some of the things I have listed are deal breakers for me so it sees minimal use compared to my other rigs of which 3 are SDR and 4 are not SDR.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I'm curious - what brand is the other SDR you mentioned.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Hi Bobby,  my 6400M came out of the box just 1 yr ago, Jan 20th.  It had v2.4.9 installed from the factory and probably will stay there. Too much negativity on the groups about the updates and upgrades. If it isn't broke don't fix it. 
    The radio is a fine piece of equipment as is, the receiver is HOT.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Elecraft KX3 and Icom 9700 and 7300.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    I love my 6400M but I am extremely disappointed in Flex for making Profiles change "on the fly."  This completely defeats the purpose of Profiles in my judgment.  I don't know who the people are that needed this, but to me it is clear that the harm done to the rank and file by this ill-conceived change outweighs the odd benefit that someone or other might get from it.  Flex's explanation for why this was good was completely incomprehensible, at least to me.  I mean, if you want to change the Profile how hard is it to save it over the old Profile?  Or into a new Profile with a different name, i.e. Amp Mid Power vs. Amp High Power or something like that.  The on the fly feature has more than once caused me to overdrive my amp when I didn't want to, and I'm not alone.  de W6VZV
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Your thread indicates you've already made your mind up, so I question why you're asking the Forum whether you should stay or go.  As you pointed out, no transceiver is perfect so good luck and may the wind be at your back.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    How can anyone say if you should stay or go? That's up to you. You may be one of those people that just can't get your head around what being a Flex customer means. Maybe you need a radio that comes out to market as it is, nothing to add or take away, it just Is what it is. Turn it on and it starts instantly and it just works as is, nothing more nothing less.

    But with Flex the software is always in transition, features added. but with this type of very complicated software there are bumps and humps along the way. The very nature of software at this scale means bugs and fixes. Then there is the wait till the next release to get the fix you want, and then sometimes it does not make it to that release, bummer. And then there is a new feature added that your not really interested in, another bummer. But it is a journey, you come along for the ride, with all the waits, bumps and humps that come along. there are plenty of things to complain about if that's your thing, but SSDR is really a great software as it is now that allows us to enjoy very high radio performance. But its always changing. It takes patience and understanding. And all customers pride themselves as taking part of making our radios better by giving input to Flex, good things or bad things, they hear us, that has been shown to be true in the past.

    But as I mentioned, if it's a radio you need that simply never changes and can't change, then maybe that's the one for you!! many radios have a tiny bit of software in it for rig control and maybe a small low res panadapter that will see hardly any updates and new features, so there is less to mess up.
    Good luck with your radio future, hope you find radio happy times.
  • Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Well, If works for you, just stay with it. Your radio is still supported. The Flex help desk will respond to you the same as if you had 3.1.8. They won't tell you to get the latest version unless you have a specific bug that has been fixed in that later version. There are also parts still available, and factory service is still available, so by any measure, your radio is still supported. Your custom programs still work as do older add-on software versions that you had before the upgrades, and the Flex provides its excellent performance, equivalent to many radios priced far higher. So in this sense, your situation is no different than if you had purchased a new 7610, or similar radio with all the features baked in. If the later versions don't work for you, just don't use them.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    It seems many people agree with your assessment of the Auto Save Profile issue.  But what I find more concerning is, we're not hearing any feedback or concern about this issue from Flex.  Come to think of it, has anyone heard any News (about anything?) from Flex lately?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Eric spent an entire day discussing the problem with us all, and we were given the opportunity to say what we wanted to him. He said they were going to make changes. I really don't expect Flex to update their progress on this at all. It is policy not to talk about anything that is in the works.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    The problem Bill is that Eric's discussion was over eight months ago. I know it was my expectation that something would be done in a timely manner. With nothing on the horizon I don't consider this to be a timely response to customer concerns.

  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    There should be information near the next release, If the changes even make into this next release.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    This issue was discussed for an entire day, over 8 months ago, and no resolution or News yet?  That's disconcerting.  Then again, there are probably other software issues that a further down the waiting list.

    I understand why FRS would have a policy not to announce future innovative enhancements; competition would be all over that type of News, but I see nothing wrong with keeping customers informed with software fixes that are in the works.  Treating the customer base with isolationism may turn out to be a poor policy decision.   
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Let ask you, what do you want to know, then explain why you must know. or need to know. Then I will explain based on Geralds comments why not.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Bill are you a Flex employee?
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    I know how Gerald answered this question,,do you?
    But tell, why you really need to know the progress of how they are doing with this.
  • Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Bill the answer should be obvious.  Customers want to know when (or if) bug fixes are to be (or will ever be), addressed by FRS.  Or if certain bug fixes are not on the agenda.  But I trust Gerald will eventually get around to providing new information.  And no offense, but I prefer to get my information directly from FRS. 

    Let's not waste any more of each others time.  Have a great day.
  • Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    That's ok,,I really understand why we want to know these things. But if we understand that everything at Flex is always in flux. Any list they make for fixes and their dates for implementation likely changes many times. Some thing get started then dropped, then restarted depending on what the fix is changing in the software. Some fixes take a lot of work and testing and others easy. for Flex to give updates to the progress would not be easy. Also then they sort of get locked into making promises, like we expect it in the next update, but they couldn't get it in,,,then what? could you imagine the out cry? that is something to avoid.
    The latest word is, we are working on things. lol

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