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Software for Behringer CMD micro midi Controller

I have a Behringer CMD micro midi Controller I would like to use with my Flex 6400 SDR. Can someone direct me to a site to download software to use with the the controller


  • Neal Pollack, N6YFM
    Neal Pollack, N6YFM Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Do you have a dropbox or some place I can upload to?
    I have not tried this yet, but I did obtain software from this forum a while ago
    when I was thinking of getting the CMD PL1 Midi Controller.   The software
    name is CMDPL1Flex6k_v0_3.exe
    It does seem to include source code in the folder.

    Not sure if that helps?

    N6YFM  (info good on QRZ.com)
    ROBERT WHITE Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Neal....Thanks so much for your help. The CMDPL1 Controller and the CMD Micro midi Controller are not compatible. Thanks anyway and I'll keep searching....Bob  K9LWA
  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I thought you had gotten the CMD Micro working after I did not hear from you again.  Mine works FB on 6600M and PC Win 10.  Need your email so I can forward to you.
    Bob w5tx@verizon.net
    ROBERT WHITE Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Hello Bob....I was about ready to call you on  the landline. Good to hear from you. Yes with your help I got the software working about 2 years ago and then recently lost it when I got a new win10 computer.
      Sure would appreciate your help again. My Email address is:  rwhite4143@comcast.net
      Hope you wouldn't mind another landline call if I have any problems getting it to work. Back when I had a 6300  loaded software and had it working in 15 minutes. Lol.
     Can you send the files unzipped?
      Thanks so much for your help AGAIN.
      73,  Bob  K9LWA  765-935-3966
  • Paul - GI4FZD
    Paul - GI4FZD Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I have my cmd micro working with Smartsdr IOS but when I run the program on my win10 machine it finds the radio and connects but i get no cmd micro display or it does not control the Flex. Do I need to set anything up in Smartsdr itself to get this working. I can see the cmd micro in device manager as a sound device, is that correct?

  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    this is probably a usb issue of some sort.  I think from my win 10 experience there are some apparent USB port issues.  At any rate the cmdmicro should appear in the USB port portion of device manager.
  • 7nql
    7nql Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I've been following this thread and similar ones (https://community.flexradio.com/flexradio/topics/behringer-cmd-micro-dj-midi-controller-for-use-with...) is the other.

    I've finally managed to buy a secondhand Behringer CMD micro to go with my F6700 (v3.18). I use Windows 10 on a tiny Dell Optiplex PC.

    Unfortunately I haven't been able to get the CmdMicro flex software to recognise my Flexradio, there is no radio to connect to. Smart SDR is running. The software seems to recognise that the controller is connected.

    I'm using the code found here:

    written by Paul AA6Z

    Any ideas ?
  • Paul Burton
    Paul Burton Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020

    I am the author of this incarnation of the Flex CMD Micro controller.  It was originally written using a Windows 7 machine, and it worked fine there.  I have had reports that it does not work on Windows 10, but I never had a machine to debug on.  Now I am on Windows 10, and find that it recognizes my Flex, but none of the controls work.  I was not aware that anyone was still interested in the CMD Micro as it is no longer sold.  The software will likely not work on other MIDI controllers as the commands are unique.  I need to find the time to revisit the design and see why it doesn't work on Windows 10.  

    73, Paul AA6Z
  • 7nql
    7nql Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Hi Paul,
    thanks for responding. Yes I'm aware the Behringer has been discontinues, it took me 18 months to find a 2nd user one; I don't like the point and click nature of SmartSDR, I still prefer physical buttons and dials ;-) 

    I think it's the Windows firewall feature blocking Flex CMD Micro program in W10. In the meantime I've dug out my old W7 Macbook PC (i7, 16GB, SSD) which I retired as the GPU couldn't keep up with the multiple VFO I had open. The Dell Optiplex is a 9th gen i5 (hex core) with the current Intel integrated GPU and that can run close to 70% utilisation, with CPU at 45%.

    On the Macbook PC the Flex CMD Micro program does see my radio, unfortunately it crashed with an error when I press a button.

    Fig1. CmdMicroFlexController error running on W7

    I don't mind downgrading my Dell Optiplex radio PC to W7 if it worked. 
    Paul what are you using to interface with your Flex radio? I guess you are using something else?

    It would be nice if your program can be fixed, but I realise it's your time. Perhaps it's worth finding out if it'll benefit anyone else?

  • Terry K7NY
    Terry K7NY Member ✭✭
    edited January 2020
    I like the program, I use it everyday with windows 8.1. Great Job.
  • Paul Burton
    Paul Burton Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020

    I'm not sure what you're asking.  My   CMD Micro program uses FlexLib and is written using C# in Microsoft Visual Studio.  It requires SmartSDR to be running before startup.  Due to the limited number of buttons, sliders, and knobs, I felt it was impossible to support more than one Panadapter and two slices.  Also, I only have a Flex 6300 so I couldn't test a larger radio configuration than that.  One major difficulty was the tuning knob control.  If you tune too rapidly, it swamps out Windows with interrupts and the tuning hiccups badly.  Fortunately, I found that you can put your finger on the metal plate of the tuning knob and I could see that and tune in larger steps.  This allows more rapid excursions with the tuning knob.   The selection of functions I built in were to my preference and may not suit everyone.  Also, there are unused buttons in the current design. 

    The issues with Windows 10 are not related to Windows Firewall blocking.   

    As I have since moved to a new computer and Windows 10, and Microsoft Visual Studio has been upgraded, I would almost need to start over to get this program running on Windows 10 and to make enhancements. Also I haven't done much program development in a couple of years, so there will be a  learning curve.  I may choose to do that in the near future if i find the time.  Also, I could easily modify it for more current MIDI controllers, but I would have to go out and buy one for testing.  I'm not sure of the best candidate Midi controller for this.  For me the most difficult part of this is deciding what to do with all the buttons, sliders, and knobs, to enhance the user's operation.  Everyone will have a different opinion.

  • 7nql
    7nql Member ✭✭
    edited February 2020
    That's fair enough. I'm sure you'll let us know if you decide to pick it up again.
  • Joel Lobão
    Joel Lobão Member ✭✭

    I also have a Behringer CMD micro but don't work with win10 and SSDR-Smartlink. Anyone knows if this Controller work with Smartlink?


  • 7nql
    7nql Member ✭✭

    Joel, try Carl @ http://www.n4py.com

  • Paul Burton
    Paul Burton Member ✭✭

    I wonder if anyone has found a currently-marketed MIDI DJ controller that is a good candidate for reviving the project. It needs to be relatively small and inexpensive, and have a MIDI interface via USB. It is helpful (but not essential) to have a map between the buttons, sliders, and knobs, and the resulting MIDI commands. Otherwise I need to write a small program that traps the needed information as you exercise the controller, and go through extensive testing to create the map.

    One frustrating issue with this project is the FLEX implementation of FLEXLIB. FRS did not make Flexlib backward-compatible (and in fact seems to have gone to lengths to inhibit backward compatibility). This means that every new version of SmartSDR would potentially require a new version of the program, and the program would need to simultaneously accommodate the previous versions even though none of the function is impacted by the new SmartSDR version. This makes testing very laborious. I don't even want to talk about how Windows changes can **** things around. But such is the life of a programmer

    I have considered reviving the project, but have concluded that there is not much user demand for it.

    Paul Burton

  • Hi Paul. I think there would definitely be an interest in this. I think a lot of people are using the N4PY software to get around it or macs. I have a Mac, but use windows laptops. I do have a maestro, but I’m much more likely to carry a laptop around with me when I’m away from my QTH.
  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭

    Paul and others

    I’ve been running on win10 pro on two Lenovo M73 Think Center computers pulled from a call center I think and have had no issue with CMDmicro midi controller. Two things come to mind. SSDR must be open first when you start CMD controller and 2nd you must have the complete file suite installed in the same location as the exe file. I made a mistake in preserving copy of program at one point that was incomplete as regards ancillary files. I also believe I sent another user that incomplete file and we could not get it to work. I believe replacement of complete suite fixed. I have provided others copies and I guess those also worked as I got no feedback otherwise. As I recall it’s a pretty big file even zipped and I have some difficulty making it available. I’m using it with 6600M running v2.4.10. If you wish to continue to work with it I’ll try to get it up for a few days for download.

    Bob W5TX

  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭


    I also can run 6600M using theCMD micro without SSDR running but with SDR CAT running. Controls radio fine.

    Bob w5tx

  • M0AOV
    M0AOV Member ✭✭

    Hi Paul

    I like other's would love to get a copy of the full software and if possible anyone who has the software installed could do a video showing how they installed it and anything else they had to do to get the Flex working with the software, I'm away from my Flex for a few months but would love to get everything sorted with the software and CMD controller waiting in anticipation.



  • Paul Burton
    Paul Burton Member ✭✭

    After some investigation, I find that the problems causing my CMDMicroFlex software to fail relate to incompatibility between the various versions of SSDR and their accompanying Flexlib. The software was written at an early Version 2 level but runs only marginally at Version 2.6.1, where my Flex is at now. I suspect that every time Flex comes out with something new, Flexlib will necessarily change and likely be incompatible is some ways with previous versions. I would have to release a different level of CMDMicroFlex for every level of SSDR, which I'm not inclined to do. The well-commented source code for my software is in the dropbox link (shown earlier in this thread), so if you are inclined and have the skills, you could likely write a version of CMDMicroFlex that would function correctly at the level of your machine and satisfy your needs.

    Paul Burton

  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭

    I have tried CMDMicro on win7 and win10 and using versions of SSDR from v1.x.xx to v3.x.xx. No issues so I don't think it's a Flexlib issue but I'm not an accomplished programmer. I am presently using on a Lenovo ThinkCentre M73 that came out of a call center. I have used on other PC's and even Parallels. Im my experience it is more related to installation than anything else. I can also use it on my 6600M by opening CAT and DAX only. My gear is on my home LAN. Some folks have not acquired the full suite of files and obviously have had some difficulties. I installed it this evening using v2.4.10, v2.6.2, and v3.1.12 without difficulty. If you or others will provide me your email address I will forward the full suite via Mail Drop. My email is w5tx@verizon.net. Ill also include what I think is the best way to install process.

    Bob W5TX

  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭

    Full CMDMicro suite available. Please forward email if you wish to have a copy. My email w5tx@verizon.net

    Bob w5tx

  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭

    I have forwarded full CMDMicro suite to a few folks who I believe have installed w/o difficulty. The mail drop link will expire on or about 1/7/21. Any one else interested? See previous posting for email.

    Bob W5TX

  • Neal Pollack, N6YFM
    Neal Pollack, N6YFM Member ✭✭
    edited December 2020

    I am interested also.

    Neal N6YFM

    N6YFM { a . T } A R R L (dot) nEt

    info also good on qrz.com

  • I just purchased a NEW, yes NEW CMD micro and am running a Flex-6500 with the latest 3.2.39 version of software...would REALLY appreciate any assistance with whatever software I need in order to get it up and running. I am totally unfamiliar with it and have not even opened the box, so any assistance/pointers would be GREATLY appreciated. My email: w4jcwjohn@gmail.com

    73 John/W4JCW

  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited June 2021

    Hi John,

    I run 2.7.6 with my Flex6500 and use the Behringer CMD micro with the control software posted here years ago. This works well, but I don't know whether it works with versin 3 of SSDR... Yy 73, Alex - DH2ID

  • Terry K7NY
    Terry K7NY Member ✭✭

    It works with V3.2.39 on my windows 8.1 machine.

  • M0AOV
    M0AOV Member ✭✭

    Hi Alex

    I've given the software a go at getting it working but no go

    Running windows 10 with a flex 6300 on 2.7.6 and nothing happens when I start the program and help or even a video on how to get things working would help if you have time I've been trying to get this working for awhile.

    Thank's for any help



  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭


    Send me your email and I'll forward software.

    Bob w5tx

  • Bob- W5TX
    Bob- W5TX Member ✭✭


    Send me your email and I'll forward software.

    Bob w5tx@verizon.net

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