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Trouble with HRD and 6400M. Will connect then next day it won't. ANY suggestions appreciated!

Jim Miller
Jim Miller Member ✭✭
Flex will connect to HRD after much work and reinstalling VSP again but next time it will not.  Flex says it is HRD's problem and HRD says it is Flex's.  I have been trying off and on for six months to get this figured out.  Any suggestions or links much appreciated!


  • Dudley  WA5QPZ
    Dudley WA5QPZ Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020

    What kind of error are you seeing when HRD is not connecting and how are you connecting?   Is SmartCAT coming up when you start SmartSDR?    Or are you using the front panel and using computer to run SmartCAT / DAX and HRD?   You have to make sure SmartCAT has started,  if you try to start SmartCAT too early after computer boot up,  maybe not all of the background communications processes have started..  

    Need details,
  • DH2ID
    DH2ID Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Jim, please post screenshots showing the setup and error.
    To know your PC, OS and SmartSDR version is also helpful.
    73, Alex DH2ID
  • Jim Miller
    Jim Miller Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Thanks Dudley for the reply!  My big problem is when the Flex arrived, I ended up in local hospital then the VA Memphis hospital three times and messed up my reading and setup of the Flex.  I've used HRD on previous rigs no problem.  When I start up SMart SDR CAT it gives error Flex VSP driver not installed and needs to be.  I have done this step many times and upon restart the VSP is gone again.  When I attempt to connect to the Flex via Smart SDR, the only option is SmartLink with the Flex 6400M link not functioning.  When connecting to SmartLink i5t does connect for seven seconds then shuts down.  Restart SmartSDR and same results.  Now I did have this working maybe 2 months ago and worked fine.  Appeared all functions were working.  

    So when I try to connect to HRD it attempts to connect by the normal connect sub page but it won't read frequency, etc.  I think it is a com port problem as I am unable to change the port from the ones listed to the ones the Flex is looking for.   I am not much on dealing with Windows 10 but I have been in the device manager and checked the com ports and also added them through the Flex software.  Now I have gotten it all to work on occasion but  the next time I boot up, it is back to where it is now.  

    I have done the web sites, Youtube, other hams, etc. but no one has a clue to what I am doing wrong.  I hope I provided enough info, if not, please let me know.  I really appreciate your help as you have a certified dummy here in dealing with this mess.

    Thanks, Jim
  • John - AI4FR
    John - AI4FR Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Jim there are some smart folks here that should be able to get you going quickly. I have near zero experience with HRD, but I'd think a good place to start would be to get the CAT drivers fixed.

    Have you seen this:

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