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Selling my Flex 6400M



  • Burt Fisher
    Burt Fisher Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I doubt the K4 is two times better but I bet you don't have to wait 75 seconds for it to come on, or have Elecraft introduce problems in later updates or cause a computer to blue screen. Both companies have great customer service. I have interviewed both owners in videos. Both were fascinating 
  • Burt Fisher
    Burt Fisher Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I lived in Kotzebue.
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Tripp Lite Isobar 8 outlet boX I have this and works Good took hum out of my powered speakers and some radio noise I’ll look into myantenna choke thanks
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Steve I’m not building and Amp it’s being built for me I see your confused about that lol !!! On water plant I never have HMI interface just look at SCADA system see what going on we manually start and stop equipment -Who said chocking to hard do I ordered choke kits they don’t work ! If I don’t like what someone says I’ll say so Steve I’m not trying be in a Click -I thanked a lot people here also - Well Steve your not me stop trying put words in my month - It’s best I get off here a few rotten apples here that have over ballon busting EGOs **** I’m just person bust them balloons ****
  • Mike VE3CKO
    Mike VE3CKO Member ✭✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I heard a couple nights ago when one older ham questioned another and asked him what do you recommend for a good radio and for some remote operation. He was told the Kenwood 2000. It's the best, and with a Kenwood HT you can remote in and crossband, bla, bla, bla.
    Maybe I should go sell my 6700 and go get the TS-2000 after all he said it was the best for his needs, but I've been there and done that radio in the past and though it is like a shack in the box it just didn't have the ears I wanted something better and unique for my needs and skills, soon graduated to a Flex 5000A loaded, never looked back just kept upgrading til I have the best Flexradio puts out. I have no need or no desire to contrain myself ever again and every software release presents new features and fixes to reignite the excitement of the radio.
  • Ernest - W4EG
    Ernest - W4EG Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Mike, like you I left my Kenwood TS-2000 for a Flex 1000 early 2001 + and never looked back!
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Well I had had Codan NGT HF ,Harris and many Yaesu radios best dependable radio i has was Kenwood 430 and Icom 7700 , Flex 6400M been good so far - how do I adjust this TNF as it covers up radio screen TNF it goes gray color when pressing in I see not place adjust it ????? image
  • N2WQ
    N2WQ Member
    edited December 2019
    I use these to both bond the coax to the tower and provide lightning protection:


    Have one of these at the bottom of the tower- much easier to service- and also bond the coax at the top with one of these:


    Obviously you have to cut your long coax run and install connectors to bond at the top and bottom.

    Last but not least, you may want to bond the coax to the metal building as it goes thru the wall using these:

  • David Decoons, wo2x
    David Decoons, wo2x Member, Super Elmer Moderator
    edited June 2020

    you decide on what you feel is best for your station.

    The K4 looks to be a very good radio based on specs published so far and reports from people using them at hamfests that Elecraft attended.

    keep in mind a very important issue to you. Any updates to the K4 will require some sort of connecting the radio to the Internet. So if you buy the radio when it is first released and do not do any upgrades you are in the same position that you are in with your 6400.

    No one can say how the K4 will work at your location with the noise you have compared to the 6400M. Don’t be in a rush to sell the Flex when the K4 will not ship to you for a while. Also you might be better off waiting until enough K4 radios are on the air where you can get real feedback on the performance. Having a friend tell you what he heard is not valid data. 
    I would wait and use the time to work on better receive antennas and RX noise mitigation in your station (bonding, grounding, etc)

    One feature on my Flex 6700 I use is the Wide Noise Blanker. While it may not work for all noise types at different locations, here at home I see a 20 to 30 dB drop in noise floor on 40 meters on days where wind gusts are over 35 mph and very low humidity. The power company has come out a few times to fix the issue but it comes back after several months.

    Dave wo2x 

  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Dave good idea It’s very cold here now no work out side I’ll work on inside about noise now- I’m keeping 6400M I’ll take computer I have and hook to internet and find a young person here help at first set up WiFi and connect the 6400M And get a monitor too I decided by a Barrett 4050 for Water Plant we just put up 80 foot tower for SCADA control my boss said I can put up dipole at work because I work so much over time- And Village will have Radio if we lost normal commutation -water Plant has generator -City buying The Barrett 4050 and Ant -State Police here love Barrett 4050 HF radio
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    Wow I found this on computer at library wow does it help hearing ssb stations with them lines that has noise imageimageimage
  • Mark_WS7M
    Mark_WS7M Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I would venture to say that the K4 will see the same noise the Flex does.

    Whether or not their noise reduction can handle it is something you will only find out once the radio has arrived.

    I think selling one radio to get another, not release, not proven, radio is a mistake.  I suspect the K4 will be a great radio but I also expect it will go through some firmware revisions and updates before it stabilizes.

    From what I can tell of the K4 it is a buffet radio where you get your tray then you have to decide to load it up on the things you want in it.  Sure you can add them later but you may not know which things you want/need.  So out of the box on day one, it may not be what you expect.

    I'm not trying to keep you in a flex or change your mind.  Just offering food for thought.

    Mark - WS7M
  • Mark_WS7M
    Mark_WS7M Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Whats with the "smart ****" remark!?  His post that you commented to was spot on and not smart **** at all!

    It seems you might be better off getting out from under your flex as you seem determined to rant rather than learn.
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Mark -Rant rant **** boy if mom was alive she was your mouth out with Lie-Soap
    I see a hot few headed gang here you don’t agree with them they Impeach you **** and defend their buddies wow What is world coming to people relax it’s only a dam radio -
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I have it for sale now on eBay I’m getting Kenwood 890S Thanks everyone for help
  • Bill -VA3WTB
    Bill -VA3WTB Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Your going to miss the amazing Flex panadapter but good luck,,enjoy your new radio Joe...
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I’m 100 % SSB Guy But now going enjoy CW again with 890S decoding and Sending via computer key board I enjoyed the 6400M someone going get a nice radio
  • KL4QG
    KL4QG Member ✭✭
    edited May 2020
    I’ll still come here to keep everyone happy
  • Alex Omura
    Alex Omura Member
    edited March 2020
    Joe, do you still have your 6400m for sale?  Contact me on QRZ email.
    Alex KK7Y
  • Patrick
    Patrick Member ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Noise level seems nominal, but the regular spacing of the noise spikes is most likely a switching power supply.  Wall wart, tv, most any thing these days.  Isolate the local noise first.  Unplug all electrical stuff in your house.  If you can put the radio on a 12 volt car battery.  If it persists, then a neighbor has something radiating from a switching PS.  That is a difficult problem, in that you have to figure out what device they have, and how to get it fixed. Offer to do the repair if not to expensive.  I have a similar problem here. With one noise source being a LED street light. The other a neighbors tv or computer as it turns off when they go to bed.  Good luck, don’t sell radio new radio would have same problem, most likely....

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