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Mute computer sound card when transmitting via SmartSDR

Wayne W5GIE
Wayne W5GIE Member ✭✭
edited November 2019 in FLEX-6000 Signature Series
This is a repeat of a question from a few months back.
I often operate on 75 and 40 meter nets where some stations have weak signals headed my way.  A good method to help copying them is to tune in an internet accessible remote SDR.

Has anyone found a way to mute the computer sound card when transmitting with SmartSDR?  My unsatisfactory solution so far is to use headphones.

Wayne  W5GIE


  • Mack
    Mack Member ✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    This program does exactly what you want. I use it daily. DJ0MY's Software CATSync Full Version 73 Mack W4AX Alpha Team
  • Wayne W5GIE
    Wayne W5GIE Member ✭✭
    edited November 2019
    Thanks Mack.  
    I downloaded and tried the program and it solves the problem I stated.  Works well and easy to set up in spite of my not knowing what to do other than enter the URL.
    Wayne W5GIE

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