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Actual known problems get marked as NOT A PROBLEM - to avoid fixing the problem
Member ✭✭
SmartSDR Speaker level control clickable area is too small. Only the top half of the slider is clickable and selectable. This is a known problem and should be easily fixed but now it is Marked as “NOT A PROBLEM”. Others agree it is a real problem and would like to see it fixed.
Please explain what this means and how do you plan to fix it.1
There are 3 separate speaker level sliders on the SmartSDR screen and each of them work perfectly here.
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AI6RE is correct, I just tried it. But I don't see it as a problem, I had not even noticed it. I just click where it works...
Extremely minor issue!0 -
As I pointed out,,if it is a problem for some, than program the slider into the Flex wheel and move from there. yes, Know Problem.0
It's working fine for me v2.5.1
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You can hover the mouse pointer over the slider and use the mousewheel to change the volume. Or, maybe change your screen resolution a bit lower and the slider control will be larger. ( depending on your monitor size that may help) James WD5GWY0
I've always felt that the sound level area needs help. It has always been way too small to be useful.0
I reported this as a bug back in August 2019. It was confirmed and assigned defect number 7666.
It was fixed in 2.6.0 according to the change log.
#7666 The hit area of Slice audio balance was improved
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You could buy a Maestro and you will have knob to use. That surely will fix it.
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This problem does not apply to the Slice audio controls. they work fine.0
Perhaps they will tweek that some time, in the mean time use the sliders that works best for you, and there are ways around the problem if you see it as one.0
This problem applies to the volume slider on the SSDR control panel. The volume slider on the slice flag works fine.
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1. Posters need to be more specific when stating a problem.
2. That slider works fine for me in 2.5.1 which I reverted back to but I did not have any problems with any of the sliders in 2.6.1 either.
Are you compressing the display too much? What resolution are you using?
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Only the top half of the level control works in 2.6.0. and earlier.
Here the cursor is pointing to the lower half of the level control but the box [50] shows it is incorrectly selecting the balance control. I you roll the mouse wheel at this point the balance control will change instead of the level. This is wrong and should be fixed.
Here the cursor is pointing to the top of the level control and the box [71] shows it is correctly selecting the level control.
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Mine does the same thing. Just move the mouse up a pixel or 2 and it works correctly . . . Geeeezzz0
That’s a quite large mouse pointer. I suspect that’s part of the problem. Try reducing the size of the pointer in Windows settings.0
AI6RE found a problem in SSDR and is bringing it to the attention of Flex for a fix in a future update. Someone at Flex missed this. Only half of the slider button works correctly while the other half yields wrong data.
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Flex marked it as NOT a PROBLEM and it bothered him, so he is continuing on. It is fair that other people can report that they are not finding it an issue.0
You are fortunate if you are relatively young and in good health. Some of us are not that lucky. We no longer have the keen eye and steady hand of our youth.
I can see why many do not see this slider as a problem but I can also see why many do. I can't use it.
This is why I have recommended some of my friends to get a flex and have some fun but to friends my own age I advise caution. There can be pitfalls if you are in you are 70+.
I know there are always work-arounds but this is not beta software. Everything should work for everybody.
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LOL, if Flex marked this as not a problem then Flex has a problem. SSDR is reporting the wrong data to the user. In fact, SSDR is reporting data from another control. Would you feel the same if SSDR indicated a different frequency then what the radio is actually on? Since this slider data is totally inaccurate, what other data in SSDR is inaccurate? If Flex really marked this as not a problem when it clearly is, then it throws everything in SSDR into question. What else are they hiding as "not a problem".
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I don't know about all that mumble jumble..Lol so funny.
But here is a clue for those having a terible time controling this slider. When you move your mouse to the slider button, the round thing, Keep moving the mouse slowly till you see a little box open up with the setting number. Now your on it and can move it.
When you see that little box just use the scroll wheel on the mouse to adgust it.
Just pay attention to what your doing.0 -
That may work Bill. This particular slider that Flex has classified as "not a problem" behaves differently then all the other sliders in SSDR. So maybe all the other sliders have a problem as seen from the Flex view point.
Also, this particular slider operates differently or said another way, has a different characteristic once it is above the 91% range. So another work around for this "not a problem" slider is to keep it above 91% for more proper operation as compared to the other sliders in SSDR.
Why on earth do we need "work around solutions" for something that has been classified as not a problem?
Seriously though, this really does seem like a very simple fix that I would be willing to bet is resolved in the next release.
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Fix what? I have been working with this slider for 10 minutes and it seems to be very consistant, What are you seeing that is not correct? This slider is the shortest in SSDR, but what are you seeing?0
Bill, I am not going down that road with you. You have come up with work around solutions to the slider problem yet you now claim that you do not see the problem? Surely you misspoke there. Besides the author of this post has pictures above showing one(not all) of the problems with this slider. Also in his pictures one can easily see that it is NOT the shortest slider in SSDR.
I'd really like to see where Flex officially classified this as "not a problem". I hope they have not as that would be embarrassing.
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Why not go that road with me, I am not having any problems with my slider. In the picture I see a really big pointer on the slider dot and the setting says 71%
You have taken up the fight for changes, I am just asking what is wrong that I'm missing, what should be changed? And you say there are many problems with this slider, what are they all. The original poster said that it is just to small for him and I'm ok with that. Using the mouse wheel as a tool is not a work around at all, it is a tool to make thing easy to use. Like any software, we use tools to help us navagate, there is no difference here.
I also mention, if the slider is too small for you then use a Flex wheel and program that slider in so the size is never an issue, that is also not a work around, it;s a tool.0 -
Simple, I'd have to repeat the problems as describe above and since you did not understand them the first time even with pictures I doubt you'll pick it up the second time. In short I do not feel like wasting my time reexplaining the issue to you.
But to be nice:
Only the top half of the slider is clickable and selectable
Only the top half of the slider is clickable and selectable until you get to 91%
This has been reported as bug #7666
The slider has different characteristics than all the other sliders in SSDR
The slider shows the setting of another slider in SSDR
I can move this slider to ZERO and hover over it and it will show 100% or what ever the slider below it is set to.
Bill I've read numerous past posts in which you were accused of having a favorable bias towards Flex. Since you can not see that this slider does not work as it should gives them past posts more weight in my eyes.
Look, this is really no big deal. Flex will probably fix this in the next update. I rarely use that slider anyways and when i do I use the portion of it that works. I am just flabbergasted and dumbfounded that you can not admit that this slider is not operating as it should.
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Ok I see what you mean now, after looking at it longer, the change should come down a few pixals. I remember in the ANT tab the RF Gain dot was not correctly centered and they fixed that at one point.
In this case i just go ahead and use the slider without looking that criticaly at it, I have no problems working it.
And yes thanks for pointing out that some others get offended when I don't have the same distain for Flex as they do, I'm very happy with that.0
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