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Teamviewer transmit audio

I've read many threads here related to remote ops with Teamviewer, but all of them are 3 to 5 years old and none of them provide an actual solution. Is anyone doing this successfully?
(BTW, yes, I can operate the 6700 just fine on HF with the iOS version of SSDR. I don't need those suggestions. This is for something else that the iOS version won't handle.)
If not Teamviewer, Parallels Access? Any other remote software that works?
Don't know if this will solve your problem or not, but might be worth a try. Click on the fly-out for the microphone and select PC. The fly-out is located just above the buttons for MON and PROC. Hope this helps.
Army AE5P
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Mark, I got so fed up with Teamviewer that I finally switched. Not so much for the issue you are having but rather TV kept telling me that I was using their service for commercial purposes. I was not. Several months back I had to fill out a form and send it to them. Well that worked for a while but now it is every time I am on I get warned and then get kicked off. Emails have gone unanswered. I only used their service for about an hour or so at night. So I hunted around for another TV like program. Found a great one, it's called Anydesk and seems to be a lot faster than TV. Super simple setup as well.
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Thanks. Been there, done that, but can't find a combination of DAX inputs/outputs that works.0
Did you have to set up DAX audio for anydesk? If so, what was the combination?-1
Why not use the IOS app on your iPad?
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As I noted in the original post, iOS SSDR cannot do what I need. I have to integrate satellite Doppler frequency correction software while operating cross-band full-duplex. All of that requires way more horsepower than the iPad can do.0
I used Parallels Access several years ago before SmartLink was released. The key to getting audio, if I remember correctly, was that you needed to go into The Windows Sound utility after you got connected and select the parallels access sound drivers as the default sound and default communications devices. Then use “PC Audio”. (formerly “Remote”) and “PC” Mic input. You had to juggle some things to get it working, but then it worked well.0
Thanks, Ken. There are no Teamviewer drivers showing up in the PC sound device list. I used Parallels Access some years ago for a different application, and had it working OK, so I may go back to that. Though I think I may give John's anydesk idea a try first, as it's free. I let Parallels go after I wasn't using it anymore and didn't want to keep paying the bill, even though it wasn't terribly expensive, as I recall.0
Somewhere between $20-$26 a year, if I remember right. But I used it for work a lot, too, back then, to remote into my office computer..0
The trick, I remember, was that you had to select Parallels sound drivers from the Parallels Access Remote AFTER you were connected, or the devices were not enabled.0
Herewith you'll find a jpg image of the settings that allow Teamviwer to send audio to the Flex 6500. Although they are in Spanish, I am sure you'll be able to understand them.
Luis EA3OG1 -
Gracias, Luis. I have tried that combination without success. But I will try it once more, giving careful attention to your graphics.0
Use TV to control the pc running tracking software and use SSDRiOS to run the radio with two way audio.0
You’ll need to upgrade to V3 so two clients could access your 6700 via multiFLEX.0
Not related with Mark´s issue, but to add a note about AnyDesk, it is way better than TV and Google Remote Desktop when handling multiple monitors.
Santiago, HI8SMX0 -
NEVER MIND! I thought about this a little more and it will not work. The PC running SSDR tuned by a tracking program will not be in sync with the SSDRiOS client unless the SSDRiOS client was also being tuned by a tracking program on the iPad and I don't think that capability is available yet with SSDRiOS and/or iOS tracking clients. Sorry for the bad idea! 73 Mike WB8CXO
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These settings are for the remote PC and Flex. Try to press the Space Bar. before speaking. I think I forgot to tell you this action and always keep the right arrow activated.0
Hola, Luis and Mark.
I too am chasing this elusive thing we call remote audio.
I had it working somewhat using settings KE9NS described on his PowerSDR page, but it was clunky due to a Teamviewer change that doesn't mute mic input on the remote PC, so PTT meant pushing two different buttons for each key and unkey.
He proposed a new scheme using Voicemeeter drivers, but I haven't gotten that to work yet either.
Looking for a better way. The settings above aren't working for me either.
Since I'm a Noob at DAXing, I think I'll try going through the dreaded fixing of jumbled Windows 10 drivers as described elsewhere, and if I don't **** up my house and home in the process, maybe clean up some of the numerous drivers and programs I've installed and uninstalled over the last year.
The hunt continues.
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You can use Skype. Have 2 Skype accounts, one for the remote end and one for the local side. The remote Skype has its audio in/out connected to the radio. Call the remote account from the local account and what you speak will be transmitted and you will hear the radio receiver. I prefer this over TeamViewer as there is no latency even on poor internet connections at one or both ends. If you can make a normal Skype call between the 2 sites, you can easily operate remote. TV can be used concurrently to action Skype answering if needed.0
Has anyone successfully used remote transmit audio for either TeamViewer or Anydesk besides Skype?0
I never got it to work. Bret, WX7Y pointed me to RCForb. With it, I get good, low latency audio for both transmit and receive. That coupled with TeamViewer gives me the panadapter, waterfall and full control of my 6400 from my Android phone.
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Like EI4KF and KD0RC above, I too have found that routing my Audio around/outside of any remote desktop works far better. In my case, I opted for Mumble: I run the mumble-server on the shack-PC next to my '6400, then on that same shack-PC I run the first mumble-client that captures/feeds DAX audio and connects to the mumble-server. You could also use public/free mumble-servers.
mumble is a free Voice-Over-IP (voip) client, and mumble-server is a free "matchmaking" server that connects clients.
Far away, wherever I wish to operate, I use another mumble-client to connect to the shack mumble-server (just another port-forward) and provide in/out audio. This results in low-latency, good quality audio. The really cool part of doing this - probably same as Skype - is that I can use Remote Desktop on a laptop for SmartSDR, while then using my iPhone w/mumble for RX and TX audio! What better device for audio than a phone that was designed expressly for that purpose 😀
I belive the key is to adopt the strategy that SmartSDR, rotor-control, SWR meter, WinKeyer and everything can be tunnelled through Teamviewer or Remote Desktop, but that audio can be handled entirely separately with different software and even different devices!
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There is a Very good, FREE, simple Remote Audio Server/ Client software with PTT I used which is still being supported.
This software is made for AMATEUR RADIO Audio and very importantly, PTT by a Amateur Radio operator in Germany and has very low latency much less then SmartLink had when it first came out.
A number of years ago I used it with Teamviewer and Windows Remote Desktop for Remote Audio and PTT before SmartLink came out, It is called "RemAud" and the WEB site is if you use it then you can donate to it's development and support if you wish.
You can read about it here and read about more technical stuff at .
This connects to the Flex SmartSDR the same way any other Sound Card program does that uses CAT for a PTT port, VERY easy getting it setup and you can simply open a IP port in your router for audio and the PTT to come through on.
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RemAud looks like the ideal solution for Windows! Thank you for sharing it. Alas, my laptop is a Mac, so I'm probably stuck with Skype for now.
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One nice thing about RCForb is that it has PTT and tuning controls (among others) for Flex radios that makes it MUCH easier to use with an Android cell phone. Using TeamViewer by itself to tune in a signal is very tedious.
I use TeamViewer to get close, then use the RCForb tuning dial to get right on frequency. The nice-sized PTT button is a real plus. I was able to get on the 80-meter morning roundtable from my wife's car as she drove us to breakfast this morning. Bumps in the road did not cause me to press the wrong thing or to mis-tune the radio. If I hadn't told the guys that I was in the car using my phone as a remote station, they would have never known.
On the downside, RCForb uses simulated seven segment digits to show frequency and S-meter readings. This is very un-appealing to me and kind of hard to read (e.g., S3 looks like 53). They also have grey buttons with neon green lettering. I can't see colors like that at all when used together. I would rather that they leave the lettering black and change the button background (kind of like Flex does). I will organize some thoughts to send them on their forum.
Nevertheless, I am quite happy with this new-found cell phone functionality.
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Len, Let me know if you want access to my RCForb remote out here in Central Eastern Utah. I can add you as a user just for grins.
Send me a personal email at
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Hey thanks Bret, I really appreciate that!
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