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Yet another reason to dislike (hate?) Windows 10 - ALL DAX devices disappeared!

Member ✭✭✭
Not looking for help, just reporting something I have not seen before. I don’t normally use my Windows 10 laptop to run my Flex 6600M, just every now and again I run either wsjt-x on it, or Fldigi. It generally works just fine, using 2.4.9. So today I set up two instances of Fldigi, so that I could run them on separate slices (intending to use xvrtr ports FDX so I could tx with one and rcv with the other for the purpose of demonstrating Fldigi in a seminar). When I started DAX, I got an error message indicating I had a DAX driver error. Fine, I assume Windows has munged the device names, so I look in the sound control panel, and what do I see? NOTHING! Not a single DAX device - all erased. Now, I do my best to prevent Windows updates by setting all my network connections to “metered”, but that’s not enough! Somehow Microsoft slipped through a driver update anyway, and **** it all up worse than I have ever seen it. Deleting the V2.4.9 SSDR software and DAX / CAT devices, followed by an SSDR reinstall got the drivers back, but the names were all **** up :-( A few minutes of surgery fixed that up, but I sure had my hate for MS and Windows 10 refreshed! Am I ever happy I normally use MacOS and Linux.
Apple computers easy use with 6600M and 6400M??0
Joe, when Windows works, it works very well. I would not say that MacOS in necessarily better, although I have yet to have my Macs fail with my Flex as often as my Windows 10 laptop. The (main) reason I am still using v2.4.9 is because the Mac does not conveniently support v3 - the third party developer of Dax and Cat for Mac has not yet produced a v3 compatible version :-( In that way, the Mac is definitely not better. Although, there are alternatives to Dax/Cat and SSDR that work very well on the Mac, developed by Dogpark Software, the breadth of third party software for the Flex on Windows is far greater than for the Mac. Given all that, I still feel more comfortable with MacOS, knowing that the likelihood of the Flex starting up and running tomorrow is greater with the Mac running my Flex.0
Still waiting on a reply for my issue, seems like they haven't updated their drivers since 2015 and for some odd reason the Windows Driver may or may not load
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Had problem with my DAX as well. It was the latest from MS. Flex will have an update soon to solve this problem.0
If it was only SSDR among all of the Windows ecosystem, I could entertain that this might at some level be Flex's problem to fix. But W10 with it's BOHICA updates is just as likely to nuke any change made. Windows 10 is a litany of problems after each update, including erasing users files, BSODS and new colored failure screens, endless reboot cycles and others.
But apparently the Staff assistants and accountants and letter writers that are the main members of Windows installed user based somehow dictate that FRS write only for Windows.
If you want a reliable Windows SSDR experience, use W10 Enterprise and block updates, use Windows 7, or use the iOS SSDR or DogPark on MacOS.0 -
Go to "run" type in "services.msc". There og to windows update and disable updates .
Don..w2xb .
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I have SSDR plus a dozen other ham radio software titles on my Windows 10 shack PC and many of those titles on two other Windows 10 laptops. Things like Kenwood ARCP 590 & 2000, RCForb, RS-BA1, PST Rotator, HDSDR, Ham Radio Deluxe, Elecraft KPA Utility , Alpha Remote & more. These titles connect to four transceivers, two amps, a Yeasu rotator, an antenna switch and other devices through four sound devices and drivers and twenty COM ports.
I had all the problems described above until I removed DAX from all three machines and wired audio directly to and from the main shack PC and the Flex 6300.
That was two years ago. Since then I've migrated through most 2.x & 3.x versions of SSDR and all Windows 10 updates without any issues. All drivers for all of the above software titles have remained in tact as have all twenty COM ports and all four sound devices on the shack PC.
I submit that all these software writers have figured out how to code their applications to fit well with Windows 10 and avoid difficulties during Windows 10 updates.
By the way, I still operate remotely using SSDR locally on the two laptops. The only change is that I have to run my digital programs on the shack PC & interact with them via Remote Desktop.0 -
I have very few issues with Windows 10 (1903) other than DAX after a MS feature update. Which is an easy fix once you know what to look for and do. I too have a ton of ham software installed without issues. Not sure why so many people have issues ?
If your Win 10 machine is connected to the Internet then it is wise to keep up with security patches !0 -
I have to say that usually all I need to do is rename the occasional DAX device to get things back on track. The really surprising thing this time was having every single DAX device removed. No renaming in that case - required a full SSDR uninstall/install :-( And THEN a rename session.0
I can't say for sure but I haven't had any problems in the last year that would do to a Windows update. When I know there's an update pending I always do so with my flex turned off. Perhaps he's corrupted files occur why the software is running and the radio is on?0
I m going get Alan 100D for backup radio how does 100D compare to Flex 6400M Joe0
Joe, Anan is a great radio if you are into constantly loading and testing new software. I have my Flex so I can enjoy using the radio. Also, Flex’s support is very good, and they are in the US. My vote is stay with FRS!0
Ok than there a Russian SDR SunSDR2 DX 100W HF, 6m & 2m Transceiver Coming Sept 20190
Again, support should be the biggest deciding factor.0
I've never had an issue with WIN10 updates breaking either CAT or DAX. One of the best things you can do is disable Windows updates with a utility like O&O ShutUp and creating an image of your PC using Macrium, Acronis, etc. before letting Windows upgrades do it's thing. That way if things go wrong at least you can recover by re-imaging the drive. macOS? Love dogparksdr. macOS updates do not seem to break anything and once Mario updates xCat and xDax to work with newer versions of SmartSDR Mac users (including myself, I run WIN10 also) will be in a good place. YMMV.
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I’m just over 2 weeks into my Flex6600 ownership and I’ve run into two DAX issues. One being the seemingly random windows renaming of the audio channels. I’ve seen this before with the audio drivers for my Yaesu radios after renaming them. The second problem, DAX audio channel becoming distorted, is much more annoying. Once the channel becomes corrupted, the only recovery for me is to close DAX and re-open it. This problem can recur every 30 to 60 minutes. Makes using digital decoding modes inop until DAX is restarted. Seems there is some relationship to the network RTT latency and other drivers. Filed a ticket and was told this is known issue(apparently long time known issue) and it is being worked on by the engineering team. I am disappointed that I paid nearly $4k for an SDR that can't maintain a clean audio stream on a relatively high performance i7 Intel processor and graphics card. Typically loafing along at 15-20% CPU utilization. I’ve never seen this kind of issue running 2 instances of SDRUno and my $100 SDRplays. Now, to be fair, the 6600 receiver is far superior. But, I expected better quality SW than I’ve experienced so far. This is not all Windows OS problems. I’m very concerned on how long it will take to see a fix to the DAX SW.1
DAX has been problematic since it's inception. I've owned a Flex for more than 3 years. At the Hamvntion banquet in Ohio this year the chief engineer said it would get fixed, when no one knows.0
My vote for a backup radio to the 6400M would not be Anan or SunSDR but another Flex, even a used one.0
Flex is aware of the DAX driver issue and efforts are being made to make it more robust.
As a windows developer I need to point out that this is not a Flex problem. Windows regularly kills the brother printer drivers at our office too. I've heard of other driver issues in my various forums I frequent.
There are posted fixes on this forum for the DAX issue on these forums. It is not difficult and does not take too long.
As far as computers and OSes go:
Flex SmartSDR is only compatible with Windows. If you like Macs and I do, you simply cannot run natively on a mac. You can do Parallels or bootcamp but then are right back where you started from with Windows.
For Mac OS several people have written clients and there actually are DAX and CAT systems but they may be less reliable than windows since they are not mainstream. I would venture to say once you get them working they probably remain working better than SSDR on windows with the update ****.
A lot of people here use Windows 7 which is soon to lose support (or maybe already has) from M$ but it does not have the constant update issue that plagues Windows 10. As long as you don't need new features and you feel save with your LAN/WAN environment probably the most reliable shack computer is something running Windows 7. Once you get it working it will likely stay that way until something else fails.
Since I develop bio-med software that runs on Windows 10 I have to live with what I still feel was a bad decision by M$ to force updates down everyone's throat. But likely anything there are ways to make life easier.
SmartSDR install on a PC takes about 30 seconds. Windows does let you know when updates are pending so I simply uninstall SmartSDR and the DAX drivers. I then force windows to do all of its updates and once it is done, I do a fresh, clean reboot, check again for updates, sometimes there is another one or two.
When all done and I have a fresh reboot I reinstall SmartSDR. Over some 10 updates including major and minor I've yet to have DAX issues using this system. It is not fool proof and one time Windows did an overnight update that did cause an issue. I was lazy and didn't uninstall. But again the procedures here on the forum took care of the problem in about 10 minutes.0 -
I sure it all work out I hope Flex support reads these post0
I recently was upgraded to Win10 1903 without being aware. The metered connection option is on.
That upgrade totally trashed my SSDR ecosystem, especially DAX. I have reinstalled SSDR about seven times, in between I tried Tim's panacea for reinstalling DAX to no avail. I also implemented the FRS paper on how to remove SSDR completely. Mind you SSDR was working perfectly, no hickups.
I'm at the point to install Win 7 which is a more stable version of Windows.
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If I'm not mistaken Windows home at least doesn't care if you have a metered connection any more.
Windows 7 is definitely a better option.
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Unhappily, if you have newer hardware, it is very unlikely that the required drivers will exist for Windows 7, so you are stuck. Of course running MacOS solves some things :-)1
Ted, I reluctantly reinstalled Win 10 but I blocked it from installing updates. The populous may say that's not a good idea, I beg to differ, the computer will keep on running. I am so sick of playing this game with Win 10 that it drove me to drastic means. I'm enclosing instructions on how to do it.
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Roger that, Bob
It is also possible to install gpedit.msc in W10 Home. Ya gotta download it and play a few games with the folders it goes into post install. A real PITA.
As for the concept of our W10 computers will be immediately pwned by a virus if you miss an update - no it won't - the populous is wrong. Get an ad-blocker, a script blocker, and AV software, and you are better protected than if you don't, and just rely on Microsoft for your security.
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You can also go to ...run..SERVES.MSC. windows update and disable.
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That services.msc. sri about the miss spell.
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Thanks Don - I run Win10 Home on my miserable little laptop (only Win10 in the house!) Don, is that change permanent, or does it need to be done on every boot? And thanks also Bob - I do have a couple of Win10 Pro licenses lying around that I use for VMs, so your Win10 policy change may also come in handy some day.0
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