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SmartSDR v3.0.27 Radio Setup Issue on first use of 6700

Doug Member ✭✭
edited January 2020 in SmartSDR for Windows
Reference p. 17 of FLEX-6000 Quick Start Guide, which states after launching SmartSDR, the SmartSDR Radio Setup Screen with multiple tabs will be displayed. Instead, I see 3 windows: SmartSDR, DAX Control Panel ..., and SmartSDR CAT ...  (each shows my radio).  The DAX and CAT windows may be too narrow, but can't be expanded. These windows display the message, "No stations are online. Start a client and then choose a station from the list. Selecting the Settings icon and select radio option on each does not appear to do anything.
What to do next?
Data from SmartSDR radio icon:
Serial: 3218-9797-6700-0100, Max Licensed Version: v3, Radio ID: 00-1C-2D-02-0E-A5, Radio IP:, Radio Internet: Available, Radio Firmware: v3.0.27.131


  • Ted  VE3TRQ
    Ted VE3TRQ Member ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I’ll take a stab at describing to you what is happening. When you start up SSDR, it has an option to also (auto) start up your DAX and CAT applications. The default appears to be to start them up, so you will see three windows, You can go to settings for SSDR and turn off auto start if you wish, If there is no GUI connected to the radio, the DAX and CAT applications cannot really do anything - there is no active slice for them to talk to. What you need to do is choose your radio in SSDR, and connect to it. Then you can start a panadapter and one or more slices, When DAX (and/or DAX Tx) are turned on for a slice, you can then connect CAT and DAX to them. Hope that makes sense.
  • N8AUM
    N8AUM Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    I have DAX and CAT set to "auto connect"  under Settings so whenever SSDR starts both DAX & CAT Good luk & have fun !
    73 N8AUM

  • Doug
    Doug Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    I like what you said Ted but his best bet at this point is to forget about Cat and Dax this as you know is not needed to get his radio setup. Then after if needed for 3rd party programs he can bring these to the table so to speak.

  • Ted  VE3TRQ
    Ted VE3TRQ Member ✭✭✭
    edited August 2019
    I only operate digital, so I guess I’m stuck in the “need that” groove :-) And I also really prefer never to have CAT and DAX start with a system boot - bad idea, and invites broken sound drivers. Start both when you need them, **** them when you are done.
  • KF4HR
    KF4HR Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Assuming your 6700 is turned on before you initiate starting SSDR, when activate v3.0.27 you should see 3 Client Connect messages pop up temporarily on your screen (SDR,CAT,DAX).  After the SmartSDR screen appears you should see SDR, DAX, and CAT icons appear on your taskbar.  Clicking on the DAX or CAT icons (on the taskbar) should open those windows. 
  • Doug
    Doug Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Thanks!  Turning off auto start on CAT and DAX worked and I now have the SmartSDR console displayed.
  • Steve Sterling
    Steve Sterling Member ✭✭
    edited August 2019
    Your seeing "No stations are online. Start a client and then choose a station from the list." Selecting the Settings icon and select radio option on each does not appear to do anything" indicates that the software is not finding the 6700 box.The SmartSDR client (radio software running on your computer) should list the 6700 box if it was turned on, has gone through it's calibration routine, etc. If the 6700 and computer running the the SmartSDR are on the same local network (normally your house side of your ISP's router) they will normally find each other. If not, you probably need to contact Flex help desk. Oh, do you have a network cord between the 6700 and your router?  The 6700 doesn't do wi-fi (and you don't want the trouble that would bring). Once you see the 6700 radio listed on the SmartSDR client, simply highlight it with your mouse, and click connect.  AT THIS POINT, you should see radio app, with the menu items including Setup as described on P17.  From your description, you weren't connected to the 6700 box yet.

    The DAX and CAT apps that also load. These are the tools you will use to interface audio and control signals to your digital apps, logging programs, etc. No more external sound card boxes or other hard-wired interfaces.  DAX is for the audio, CAT is for the control sigs (frequency control, xmit keying, interface to amps (band control). NOTE: DAX and CAT are independent from the SmartSDR radio client. They can be on different computers as long as each can communicate with the 6700 box. You can have multiple instances on different computers, from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connect. Example: I use CAT (freq/band info) to control my solid state amp band setting; and CAT to control my Steppir beam frequency setting and implement a "transmit inhibit" from the Steppir back to the 6700 so that it can't accidentally transmit when the Steppir elements are retuning (it burns the brushes). The CAT running those functions runs on my house station computer, but I can be 1500 miles away in Arizona (snowbirds)  on my laptop running the SmartSDR app, CAT & DAX, WSJT/JT-alert, logging program etc. and it just works.

    Hope this helps. There is a learning curve with all the capability available but it sure is fun.
    73 Steve WA7DUH

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