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Flex 6400M and WSJT-X without XDax
Scott Oakland
Well I am still trying to get my IMac to work with DogPark and WSJT-X. I am close though! Here is where I am now: I am able to get audio into WSJT-X via the Source Nexus audio routing freeware. I select those two on WSJT-X, DogParkSDR, and my Mac inputs and outputs in preferences. The audio will work sometimes and other times not between sessions. This is on receive. I transmit, I still cannot get audio. I downgraded my Flex version to 2.4.9 and was able to get it to work a lot better. But I put the Flex software back to the latest version. I can key the 6400M using TUNE in WSJT-X but no audio makes it to the radio.
Another perhaps related issue is I can never see a panadapter on the screen, ever. The only time I saw it was when I downgraded the firmware and even so I only did because I switch all control over to the PC. But with the latest firmware I have NEVER seen a panadapter on screen.
The question is: do I need xDax? I realize that XDax does not work
with the latest SmartSDR and that is why I attempted to try downgrading it, and it did work. But I understand it is possible to get WSJT-X to work WITHOUT XDax with the latest versions of SmartSDR and I just can't get the right combination of settings to get it to work. Can anyone help? Perhaps the panadapter issue is separate but for now i'd rather just get WSJT-X going and then solve the panadapter issue later.
Thanks for any help you can give I have gone through so many procedures already PLUS I loaded Windows 7 on my IMac and tried that but had issues with that too.
I did not like Windows and am a Mac guy but at this point I'd run anything to get it to work. Perhaps it doesn't like my Mac hardware? I have triued it on more than one MAc though. I have a separate Windows PC kicking around here but it has notoriously bad RFI from the monitor it uses.
My IMac connects to the web via wi-fi and my Flex 6400M is connected to the IMac via a network cable. I am getting a connection to MAcLogger DX just fine (CAT) as well as DogPark SDR.
But no audio output or panadapter.
Thanks folks!
Another perhaps related issue is I can never see a panadapter on the screen, ever. The only time I saw it was when I downgraded the firmware and even so I only did because I switch all control over to the PC. But with the latest firmware I have NEVER seen a panadapter on screen.
The question is: do I need xDax? I realize that XDax does not work
with the latest SmartSDR and that is why I attempted to try downgrading it, and it did work. But I understand it is possible to get WSJT-X to work WITHOUT XDax with the latest versions of SmartSDR and I just can't get the right combination of settings to get it to work. Can anyone help? Perhaps the panadapter issue is separate but for now i'd rather just get WSJT-X going and then solve the panadapter issue later.
Thanks for any help you can give I have gone through so many procedures already PLUS I loaded Windows 7 on my IMac and tried that but had issues with that too.
I did not like Windows and am a Mac guy but at this point I'd run anything to get it to work. Perhaps it doesn't like my Mac hardware? I have triued it on more than one MAc though. I have a separate Windows PC kicking around here but it has notoriously bad RFI from the monitor it uses.
My IMac connects to the web via wi-fi and my Flex 6400M is connected to the IMac via a network cable. I am getting a connection to MAcLogger DX just fine (CAT) as well as DogPark SDR.
But no audio output or panadapter.
Thanks folks!
This really isn’t going to help, it’s just my opinion and my working configuration:
I refuse to use v3 at this time, as although I like and use dogparkSDR, I don’t want to be in a situation where I MUST use dpSDR to have sound. I continue to use xDax / xCat with all digital apps, all native on my Mac. I do use Loopback, but there are two free sound driver implementations that work. (I have used dpSDR / MacLoggerDx and digital apps without xDax/xCat - it does work, but I've only tried on v2.4.9)1 -
OK so I am gonna try 2.4.9 again. I just loaded the 2.4.9 into my 6400M. Now I am connected to DogparkSDR, XCAT, XDAX, and MacLoggerDX. I got DAx to connect with meters working on XDAX. I have the panadapter working in DogPark fine now. But how do I connect WSJT-X? Do I try to connect to DX Commander? Or "no radio"? I even see callsigns in my pandapater? Am i supposed to see it on the radio also? That is where my mistake is, I keep expecting to see both at once. I use Loopback for audio,.0
For audio, follow this page on the dogpark site: https://www.dogparksoftware.com/dogparkSDR_Help/dpsdr_wsjt-x_no_xdax.html
For CAT control, you must use MLDX, again using the following guide on the dogpark site: https://dogparksoftware.com/MacLoggerDX%20Help/mldxfc_wsjtx.html
If you have any issues, let us know here, or send an email, and I'll try to help out. However, feel free to use xDax / xCat on v2.4.9 - it is more flexible, and you do not need to use MLDX to route CAT and dpSDR to route audio. You still need either Loopback, iShowU, or one of the other sound drivers.0 -
I did everything and for WSJT-X it throws an error "Rig failure. Failed to connect to DX Lab Suite Commander Connection refused". Should I be running XCat and/or XDax when doing this? Any ideas?Or should I attempt to connect NOT to DX Commander but to something else? All other audio is routed correctly I am pretty sure it is. I put the parameters for WSJT-X exactly as in the link. Maybe tuyrned ON or OFF XCat and/or XDax in order to connect? I am VERY closer to getting this working I think.
0 -
It’s probably simpler to just use xCat / xDax if you are using v2.4.9. Configure xCat to use a port of your choice - 5002 is default for Slice A I believe. I’ll need to get to my Mac to give you a few screen shots - do that in a minute.0
OK, here we go:
Loopback needs to have one (or two, I separate in/out) devices configured:
Now configure xDax:
Click on the gear icon and put in your Loopback device:
Repeat for "Tx Stream", using either the same, or an "Out" device (I do that to avoid in/out confusion).
Now xCat:
These devices are added using the "Add..." button. I wanted both CAT Port and RigCtl, but only use CAT Port. In xCat, under "Setup" dialog, you will find a checkmark for "Mask as Flex-6500" - check that so that some apps using the CAT port won't be confused about the "new" 6400/6600 transceivers. May not be necessary anymore, but cannot do any harm.
Now wsjt-x CAT:
Note the "FlexRadio 6xxx" and "" - that 5002 came from the zCat config, the is your Mac's local IP address. Also, PTT should be CAT so you don't need extra PTT ports configured.
and wsjt-x audio:
Note in my case I configured separate audio in and out, and chose the Loopback devices appropriately.
That should do it. You can use MacLoggerDX with wsjt-x very nicely, and dpSDR will also slip right in there - just don't use either with the config to control what zDax and xCat do.
0 -
Oh, and do not forget to click the "Tx" and "Rx Stream 1" buttons in xDax - they need to be blue to indicate they are active. Then set the level using the gain sliders, Tx for a reading on your radio of less than 0 dB on the Mic.0
OK, thanks, I just got back home. Let me look all this over and try it.
0 -
First thing out of the box: "No slice" on xDax. This has been a perennial problem of mine. Don't really get the concept of a slice. And how to create one and make sure it holds?0
You need to create and enable the slice on the radio. If you have an M model, that’s pretty trivial;0
Slice keeps disappearing. I go back in xDax and it says "no slice" After I got it back a minute earlier. Sigh. This is in the RX Stream0
This is what I am not understanding. What is a slioce, how to create it, and how to keep it from disappearing every minute0
Now I know why guys have sold their FLexes. Sorry but this just isn't intuitive at all. All new terminology to learn. As I said been doing computers 35 yrs and never had such a difficult time. I am really trying hard. Maybe I am not getting the concept of Flex or how it supposed to work.0
I'm out this afternoon, so can't help now. If someone doesn't chime in earlier, I'll try late tonight or tomorrow to help out.0
OK thanks, gonna try to get the Win 7 version going in the meantime.
0 -
By the way I'd rather use V3.0 on the Mac, as I want the display on the Flex 6400M active. Since xDax doesn't work on V3, is there a workaround that I am missing? My goal is to get on WSJT-X on the Mac but still keep the 6400M front panel display intact. At this point the panadapter is secondary. Thoughts, or is what I am asking impossible to do?0
Scott. I often operate as you state. Not difficult. Don’t need version 3, but ok if you prefer. First, set up at least one slice on the 6400M on the band/antenna for the desired WSJT bands. On the slice DAX pull down, select a DAX channel. Next on the Mac / Windows 10 computer, start DAX and CAT. If v3, be sure to select the 6600M as the controlling device. Set up virtual CAT port on The CAT app aligned to the open slice. On the DAX app, start the slice audio channel same as you selected on the open slice on the 6400M. Also, start the Tx on the DAX app. Open WSJT. In settings, align CAT to the com port you set up in the CAT app. Align the audio in and out to the settings you set up in the DAX app All done Another option is to download SliceMaster6000 to windows. Start and Set up DAX app as above. Launch SliceMaster. Go to the Launch tab. Launch WSJT. SliceMaster will configure for you. Done WSJT must be installed but not running for this to work. Alan0
Oh, make sure the Tx DAX in “on” on the 6400m front panel.0
“I'd rather use V3.0 on the Mac”: Of course you can’t use xDax / xCat on a Mac with v3 :-( Sucks. You do have a choice to use v3 on a Mac, native, BUT you need to use dogparkSDR and MacLoggerDX to do it. dpSDR does the audio, and MLDX does the CAT control. I’m not sure how the MLDX CAT instance interfaces with the correct “station” of the v3 dpSDR connection - I just have avoided v3, waiting until xDax / xCat are ready. It’s a complication I don’t want to deal with. If you plan to use dogpark software, I’d ask on the dp list.0
Alan, when you say "make sure the TX DAX is on", do you mean the pulldown DAX menu giving you a choice of 1 or 2?0
By the way I have EVERYTHING working as described above. CAT works too. I get FT8 signals and can decode them. I can even key the Flex. What I cannot do is get the audio from WSJT-X to transmit. I have tried TUNE as well as ENABLE TX to let it send FT8. It keys the rig but no audio makes it. I have also made sure that in my Mac privacy settings, that WSJT-X allows microphone. That wasn't done, and I did that just in case but it didn't help. This is on V3. I use Source Nexus as my audio routing software. I have also used Loopback and I can get to the same place I am but hit a wall at getting audio to route to the rig. That is all I need, I am almost there. Any ideas on that in particular?0
PS This is without xDax on V3.0
There are two DAX selections you must address. Audio out (Rx) is a channel selection of the pulldown menu on each slice. This will show up in the Rx portion of the DAX application. You can select any one of the four available slices (receivers)
The second, which you ask about, is for the audio in or Tx. That is located on the "Rx" portion of the radio control section on the main SDR window. Rx does not have channels because there is only one (1) transmitter in the Flex 6600M
Alan0 -
Also I see that in DogParkSDR when I hit the MOX button it will key the rig and looks like a tone goes into the rig and it looks fine. That's the manual tune button on DPSDR I believe. So perhaps it is a VOX / MOX issue? Any ideas about that?0
Oh....I forgot you are using an M front panel.
To turn on the Tx DAX, push the "Tx Menu" button located center, far right. A Tx menu will appear and DAX on/off selection is in the center of the display. Be sure that is on.
Perhaps why you do not get Tx Audio into DAX then into WSJT-X
Alan0 -
That didn't work either. But appreciate the help. This is so strange because I got everything else working but that. DPSDR can even send a tone to the rig! But WSJT-X can't for some reason.0
By the way on that front menu I only have two options: MIC or ACC. Should there be a third?0
Third option, Rx menu by pushing the knob and holding for a brief moment.0
You mean TX menu?0
Also, in the DPSDR menu, I cannot select PC, only MIC. Once in awhile it appears but not for long. This may be important. Ideas on how I can get that going?0
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