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6600 and Expert SunSDR2 Pro in SO2R on one PC?

Erik SM0JCA Member ✭✭
edited July 2019 in SmartSDR for Windows
I want to operate a 6600 and a SunSDR2 Pro at the same time on one PC in SO2R configuration.
I know that I can run SO2R with just the 6600, but that is not my question.

The Flex is operating with SmartSDR, CAT and DAX and the Sun with Expert SDR with Virtual Serial Port (VSP) and Virtual Audio Connection (VAC) software. Is it possible to run this configuration on one PC without any of the programs or drivers to interfere with each other?
Is this alreday used by anyone, perhaps also with Flex and Anan radios?


  • K5CG
    K5CG Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    As long as the network protocols and ports are distinct to each system you should be able to run both but i suspect you'll run out of CPU with both systems running if there are multiple panadapters running on each.

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