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DAX issues after windows 10 update

Joe Sartori
Joe Sartori Member ✭✭
I uninstalled the dax drivers and reinstalled but no avail.  I opened a ticket but I will most likely be at work when they call tomorrow.....  Dax seems to crash


  • Pat N6PAT
    Pat N6PAT Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    I don't understand why SSDR is so vulnerable to Windows updates and why these issues haven't been overcome over the years.

    Also, a number of us have suggested a Flex supplied user procedure to apply the fix (uninstall/reinstall the DAX drivers) to eliminate the need for a trouble ticket. Surely FRS has spent more time fixing individual  driver problems than they would have spent creating a repair procedure that would allow ops to do the repair themselves.
  • KY6LA_Howard
    KY6LA_Howard Member ✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    @Pat In spite of your alleged IT experience, you do not seem to understand that are are Too many variables in W10 and computer configurations for a single simple uninstall procedure to work As stated by others previously Currently many fixes require a complex manual decision tree which would be extremely difficult to automat3. Hence fixes are done manually by Tim. The correct solution is for Flex to write a new SIGNED DAX Driver that is able to survive W10 updates This is NOT a simple task because Flex would need to anticipate many future W10 update insanities. However many companies have written such W10 updates survivable drivers so it’s definitely possible for Flex to do it Your continued negative trolling on this community does not contribute to the solution.
  • Pat N6PAT
    Pat N6PAT Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019

    I have asked you repeatedly to please not direct any posts to me. You've tried many times to bait me into an argument but I will not bite.

    I find your "alleged IT experience" statement a clear shot at me implying that I am lying about my experience. I do in fact have over 35 years of system design under my belt for many companies including Eastman Kodak, Bausch & Lomb, Nissan, Alaska Railroad, Timberland, Frontier Communications, etc. etc

    I've spoken to both Gerald and Dan about your constant harassment of myself and others in this forum.

    Once again I am asking you to refrain from directing any posts to me as I am not interested in anything you have to say.

    An ignore button is sadly lacking in this forum.
  • Michael N3LI
    Michael N3LI Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    This Windows 10 problem has been years in the making. Windows updates have always created problems for it's users. To the point where my institution would not hold important meetings when XP updates were rolled out. I had to be in meetings that were not even in my field because of the multitude of post update issues that I somehow became the point man to fix - many ot the IT support people were a bit nervous around top management.

    While our IT department even tested updates, they were not able to deal with the multitude of different hardware and software combinations. What was once a bragging point for IBM compatible/Windows fans, the many different potential combos, became an albatross.

    When Windows Vista came along, it was an unholy disaster. From certifed Vista ready computers that weren't, to bollixing peripherals  - ugh. I had a group I was working with in an outside venture that insisted on getting some Cheap Vista ready Toshibas. They were a disaster, and most of these people's printers and other peripherals didn't have and wouldn't have drivers. 

    Windows 7 came along.... and by gosh, it was pretty good. Not perfect, but it was salad days for a while. 

    Then Vista 8 - an abomination, with Metro's weird tiles, and whack-a-mole computer administration. I eventually refused to troubleshoot or maintain any computer with W8. My wife stopped using her nice W8 laptop until I installed Linux Mint on it.

    The point of all this background is to say, no matter the other Windows OS problems, it had one thing going for it. The owner of the computer would choose when to update their computer when they wanted to. And the updates did not make increasingly arbitrary decisions about the files on their computers. Let's not forget that Windows 10 updates have deleted user files, initiated Blue, red and black screens of death, renames files and breaks program paths, and many other problems. A person who has to troubleshoot the things will find a real laundry list of fail.

    A W10 user who wants the same experience that other OS users have is forced to treat Microsoft Update as a malicious entity. 

    The only reliable way I have found to reliably defend myself from Microsoft iis to use a Enterprise edition OS that will allow me to stop the enemy in it's tracks. This computer has been reliable for almost a year now, in which time my HP has had three update utter failures. 

    And there you have it. The Windows update problem is so pernicious that anything Flex could do would probably just be traded for problems from the next malware that Microsoft forces on it's users.
  • Pat N6PAT
    Pat N6PAT Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Is the uninstall and reinstall of the DAX drivers the fix in most of these cases? Or as mentioned in the forum simply renaming the drivers solves the problem?

    If so then why not provide a user executable option to uninstall and reinstall the DAX drivers or rename them? Wouldn't that save a lot of time, trouble and frustration?
  • NK9B
    NK9B Member
    edited July 2019
    Not for me...I tried to be proactive when I saw Windows wanting to update my system yesterday to 1903. I tried to cleanly uninstall DAX/SmartSDR, but it didn't matter. I still virtually bricked my DAX drivers. I'm stuck. Last time this happened, I ended up rebuilding Windows. Hoping that's not the case this time!
  • Stephen Hawkins NG0G
    Stephen Hawkins NG0G Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Windows  is the main reason I bought a 6400M. 
  • Michael N3LI
    Michael N3LI Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    And Windows is part of the reason I bought a Maestro along with my 6600. Now make no mistake, SSDR is  better than Maestro's interface (Maestro's is still good) . But it is actually reliable, which almost no W10 setups are.
  • Michael N3LI
    Michael N3LI Member ✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Oh wow - Try a service ticket, or Jay should be able to help. A rebuild is about as last resort as you can have. Basically, a W10 update will rename all of the drivers. But you can find what they actually are with some detective work. 

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